    Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater lyrics and song

    +1  Views: 2439 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Don't know about the lyrics to the song but our government has already thrown out us, the baby, the bathwater, bathtub, etc etc etc and still wants more of our money that we don't have and try getting any help from them.......

    You tube or google it. Reverend Horton Heat.

    Bath-Water Blues Lyrics
    Artist: Reverend Horton Heat (Buy Reverend Horton Heat CDs)
    Album: Holy Roller


    I went and I did some little thing wrong,
    That's why I had to go and write this song
    'bout throwin' out the baby.

    You're throwin' out the baby,
    You're throwin' out the baby with the bath-water blues.

    A perty girl kissed me on the chin,
    Honey it'll never happen again.

    You're throwin' out the baby,
    You're throwin' out the baby,
    You're throwin' out the baby with the bath-water blues.

    Don't say our love can't be saved,
    Just because I kinda misbehaved.

    Don't throw out the baby,
    You're throwin' out the baby,
    You're throwin' out the baby with the bath-water blues.

    Bath-water may be murky brown,
    Just pull the plug and it'll all go down,
    But don't throw out the baby.

    You're throwin' out the baby,
    You're throwin' out the baby with the bath-water blues.

    You're throwin' out the baby,
    You're throwin' out the baby,
    You're throwin' out the baby,
    Yep throwin' out the baby.

    You're throwin' out the baby with the bath-water,
    Throwin' out the baby with the bath-water,
    Throwin' out the baby with the bath-water blues.

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