    What is your 3 most things you Dislike the most , about anything .

    +8  Views: 1325 Answers: 26 Posted: 13 years ago

    26 Answers

    Bad manners, bad grammar, and bad breath............


    You've got it pat.

    I'll add bad punctuation, jh! Not on this website - it does not really matter. But I recently picked up a book that consistently had quotation marks outside of periods like so ... "cheese". This drives me up a frickin wall. I stopped reading the book!

    People that try to run over others because they can. (even tho somewhere in there, taking advantage,  or 'survival' is the 'first law of nature.   people that are not 'fair', particularly when they have power over others. However, life is definitely not fair.  And people that take advantage and or abuse their children.   Even tho most of us treat others like we have been treated.  But i do have a big heart for the little ones, because if the big ones don't take up for them they are in trouble. like the kids i work with.


    Hi tabber! My sister doesn't mind confrontation at all, and she is a bulldozer! Over the past 5-6 years, I have mellowed, and now softened, to the point where I don't say much....why bother getting into an argument with someone when neither of you is going to change your mind. Giving someone a piece of my mind doesn't make him any smarter, and I need all the brains I can get. :)
    But you are right....there is a time and place to face a problem head on.

    Gossipers liars, cheats tops my list of what I hate in others.


    Darci13, Ouch

    liars, boasters, disrespectful bad manners.

    Animal Cruelty

    Pregnant Drug Addicts

    Drunk Drivers


    Pregnant drug addicts are the worst. I agree with you.

    For as the pregnant drug addicts they can get a second chance if their not in denial and seek the help and also have a strong support system and put God first.

    Does the unborn child get a second chance,when it is born with dissabilities ?

    Hear, hear, pythonlover.

    1. Liars

    2. Bullies

    3. People who don't make an effort

    4. People who think they're always right

    5. hypocrites

    Oops! You only asked for three. I can go on and on.


    Can't we all?

    Bad inconsiderate drivers.

    People who won't wait their turn in busy shops.

    People who discuss things in a foreign language in front of you.

    (Not necessarily in that order)


    Oh my, my husband and I go to San Francisco where everybody talks in a foreign language. The place is crazy with tourists. I can make steam come out of his ears and make his face turn red if I “pretend” to be speaking in a different language. I must say, I’m good. If I was the talkin’ in tongues type, I’d be amazing.

    happens here all the time.Staff at the local businesses talk in a foreign language in front of their customers.I think it's extremely rude.
    My daughter used to live in San Fran too.So I guess she was one of them talking foreign hey.LOL

    Good list, and I heartily agree. I also dislike pedestrians who walk WITH the traffic (or in the middle of the road) and bicyclists who ride against the traffic (which is a vehicle code violation). I especially dislike people who meander across a parking lot thruway at an elongated diagonal instead of quickly crossing directly.

    greed- people who think of them as the most important things in life  

    1. Waiting for wife to get dressed for a dinner out.

    2.  Waiting in line at a restaurant when I have a reservation.

    3. Arguing with valet that that scratch was not there when he got into the car to park it.


    Mean People and bullies 

    People who put others in danger 

    People who brag 

    Know it alls  ---- many more  


    I also dislike standing in line to give someone your money...........

    People have all kinds of disgusting habits and traits, but dishonesty tops the list (and there are countless ways of being dishonest)

    I dislike "organ meats"  (liver, tongue, gonads, heart, etc.)

    A third thing I intensely dislike is confrontation.



    Then you will have "pity on me "Confrontation from the "Tongue .I mean "wife.

    :O Of course.

    Maybe we are related. just kidding. Bob/PKB that is exactly how my sister is. She hates confrontations. She tells me, "I should say this or that to somebody, but she hates to. She told me she hates the thought of hurting somebody's feelings. She calls me to get courage. I don't mind confrontation as long as it civil and intelligent. i love debates as you may have noticed by some of my questions and answers. i am lucky to have good and honest friends. dishonesty is nerve racking when you have to deal with it.

    I love those organ meats, except the gonads. Have not tried mountain oysters yet!

    Abusers of most any kind


    people with no respect for anything

    Hot beer

    Cold women

    Slow horses


    Way to say, pioneer!

    I don't like AT ALL people who abuse children, abuse animals, and the ones who think they are a tad better than you are!


    clu aman to that. nobody is better than anybody else. but people that think they are better, always find out, at some point, that they were wrong.

    Only one for me. Not being able to think of three things.


    What is it that you dislike peoplelover? Pray tell.

    That is it Yvonne, I dislike not being able to "think" of 3 things I dislike.
    Seriously I dislike "old men" "people who think they know it all" "people who waste their time on computors"
    Hang about,,,, That`s me, Oh hell what now I just learned I don`t like me.
    Not to worry everybody else likes me.
    If you want a fourth dislike, I dislike people who are "up`em selves" and think everybody thinks they are wonderful.

    I dislike staplers with no staples, pens that don't write, and pedohiles.

    I don't like people who are mean, people who are too noisy, and bullies


    Abusers of people or animals, gossips, and bindi's in the lawn


    What's a bindi lambshank?

    war, poverty, abuse

    Ignorant people, poverty, power- hungry people, and many more...

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