    why does my westie wee indoors as he has a flap to go in the garden

    he is 10yrs old and has always gone in the garden .we have two female staffs next door could this be the reason

    +1  Views: 1017 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    He may just be " marking " his territory, re the two females next door, but still better to get him checked by a vet.

    Check to make sure he does not have a urinary tract infection. Going in the house when it's not normal for him is a clear sign that something is wrong. With a UTI, they find it hard to control their bladder, it just comes out. 

    Plus he is 10 years old, he could just be getting incontinent. 


    Another sign of having a UTI is an increase in water intake.

    hate to say an increase in water intake is also a sign of kidney disease.

    Yes it is but I like to start with the most obvious.

    If he drinks more than usual, take him to the Vet. Get a complete bloodpanel and have his urin checked.. It could be many things at his age, like bladder infection, diabetes, or renal problems. Feel his nose, to see if he has a temp.

    Take a urine sample using the "free catch" method, self explanatory, better with a gloved hand and a sterile jar.  Take it to the vet with him, and it may save you time, or take it without him after calling vet, to check if that would be sufficient (may be if he is a regular patient). 

    Again as Colleen says - get him checked out with a vet. Take him for walks and observe him - see how often he does a pee pee and how - what is unusual.

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