    Eggplant is one of my favorite plants ; - ). Every week I turn a few into a healthy snack; anyone interested in knowing how?

    +6  Views: 497 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    Val’s eggplant chips

    Tools and material

    - Sharp toothless knife

    - Cutting board

    - Large glass bowl

    - Alluminum foil


    - 3 Phillipino,Chinese or Japanese eggplants

    - Your choice of ground spices: black pepper, paprika, marjoram, etc. – or:

    - Garam massala or…

    - Salt (optional)

    - Bread crumbs - plain

    - 2 spoons of extra virgin olive oil

    You should go light on spices and don’t use too many. You can always add more when done. If you make this often you will determine your own amounts and choice of spices.

    Before starting

    - Pull out a grid tray from the oven. Lay a piece of aluminum foil on it and set it aside.

    - Set the oven on bake to 400 F


    - Cut eggplants into 1/8” slices and toss them into the bowl

    - Sprinkle them with your spices and bread crumbs

    - Mix them using your both hands/fingers reaching to the bottom of the bowl

    - Add the extra virgin olive oil

    - Mix again

    - Lay them on the aluminum foil in one layer – do not overlap any

    - Reset the oven to broil high

    - Put the grill on the second position from the top heating elements


    - Check them no later than 2 minutes and again in another minute. Time varies depending on the characteristics of your oven on the wanted result. They should be done (and soft) or slightly burned and hard. They can get completely burned if you get distracted and broil them 1 minute too many.

    - Pull them out and let them cool a little

    - You can eat them right away warm or later cold

    Ok, recipe away then.



    I love mousaka and I make it but not often. It does much longer than this snack which is the way better alternative to (purchased) potato chips.
    Also, I did not ask to guess what I was talking about; I asked if anyone interested in the recipe.

    Yes - do you have a good recipe - Is eggplant not aubergine? I do like aubergine.

    aubergine is eggplant in French

    The next time I'm craving chips, I'll give this a go...Sounds healthy and good tasting..........

    Thanks vaIR. Your process looks interesting and I will give it a go.  

    Thanks, I'll try this......

    sounds great, I grow eggplants (they're about the only thing I grow well) but have never liked them much, just always give them away, I will try this, thanks


    Everyway cooked eggplants go very well with lamb :)

    Anyone tried it yet?


    Yes, made them twice at the weekend, first time was a disaster, second was good, I enjoyed them, practise makes perfect, they,ll get better and better eventually,thankyou...KOTF

    True, practice makes perfect and make sure to use, as I said Phillipin - the best, Chinese or Japanese eggplants - all very elongated 1.5" average diameter.

    Thank you all for your answers!

    Have a nice winter - officially starts today - Merry Christmas, Happy New Whole Year and stay healthy please.


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