    is vitamin e oil directly on the face good for your skin

    +2  Views: 794 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    if you are using cream its good for the skn but if you are using oil its good for scaring eg stretch marks ect but dont put the oil under your eyes as you could end up with puffy eyes


    mel vitamin E oil is excellent for scaring as you say - recommended also for scars from burns and for people with black skin who suffer from keloid scarring. You can get this in roll on form. You can use it on your face - but not regularly - also as you say if under eyes they become puffy but any oil will do this.

    thanks dopey oxox

    It should be good for your skin but, I tried some vitamin E cream once and it broke me out............

    I use Vitamin E oil from the capsule on zits or dry spots. It seems to work for me.


    Wicth hazel helps here - can also get this in roller form.

    I take (when I remember) one capsule of natural Vit.E 400 I.U  daily although there are higher doses - but usually this is about the right dose unless advised otherwise  It is an antioxidant like Vit C and A. Helps with inflammation, scarring, hormone inbalance,menopause, vaginal dryness,protects against heart discease, reduces cataract risk and more. Typical dosages are 200 - 800 I.U. daily - herbalist or pharmacy will advise.  .

    Not exactly as different people have different skin types. so people with oily skin comparatively require less moisturizing than those having dry skin. Vitamin E is helpful to prevent the skin from drying. It hydrates the skin and make it plump.


    Jessy234 - yeap I guess so but one thing for sure it is used for scar tissue after operation or burns. This is done medically.

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