    what to say to a guy to unattatch yourself from him?

    +4  Views: 2673 Answers: 26 Posted: 13 years ago

    26 Answers

    How to let them choose to leave…….

    “ I just saw my doctor and my HIV is starting to flare up again. Took a year to get it under control last time."

    My X is coming over tonight and you better not be around. He was a bouncer in a tough bar and just got out of jail for A & B (assault and battery).

    I need $13,700.00 to pay off my gamboling debts or I’m going to jail can you help me out with that?

    Damn it, My dealer got busted, know anybody that  deals crack?



    Hillarious! lmao

    LMAO robertgrist !!!! ;D

    Tell him that you no longer want to be in a relationship with him,for whatever reason you have that you are not happy about,you might add that you would still like to remain friends with him(that's if you want to).I'm just hoping that he is not going to give you grief when you tell him it is over,some guys think that you are thier property and will harrass and give you a hard time,if that is the case you don't have to put up with it.I hope it all goes smoothly for you.

    How about "goodbye"?

    Dear John, ...

    If you want to be nice to him say  .....  I'm just not ready for a serious relationship right now.

    Otherwise ... say ....   Lets just go our separate ways.  See Ya


    I hope you aren't unattaching yourself so you can attach yourself to someone you've been sneaking around with up to this point....
    You could say something along the line of, "I've had a really good time with you and enjoyed your friendship and companionship; but I don't think we have any long-term future together ahead of us, and I'm OK with that, which means It's not OK to continue dating you. "
    Change your phone number. 

    Make him feel that It's all his fault. Such as. You've changed, your not the same woos you were when we met. You don't shower me with compliments and gifts anymore. You've developed a back bone. Removing your flea collar was the last draw. We are done.


    ...and here's a milkbone...and there's the hiway...


    "Piss off" always worked when it was said to me.


    I imagine so...........

    See ya'...wouldn't wanna be ya'


    You took the words right out of my mouth!!! Those and You didn't get your Kootie Shot so you have to go now.

    That let's just be friends stuff does not work so best to just tell the truth lay it on the line for him and move on.  No use in giving false hope to anyone.

    Send him a coded text,"Bravo,Yankee,Echo" (BYE).

    try to leave as peacefully as possible.  try to limit confrontation, name calling, dart throwing.  don't talk too much.  be kind and just get out totally. 

    How about there's the door hit it here let me hold it for you if you do not go out of it I will kick you out of it.

    A Polite Good bye would be enough for me .

    This relationship lacks fulfillment for me; and therefore, I cannot offer that for you either.  So I am saying goodbye, and best wishes in your search for a happy fulfilled life...elsewhere.

    "" See a surgeon.

    Tell him you are not interested... THen say nothing at all... No  txt, no calls, no visits.

    I think it's time for us to start dating other people. Things just don't seem to be working out, and I don't see them getting any better in the future.

    Nowadays they say "It's not you, it's me". Yes I know corny and of course usually done by text message.

    It depends on what was that attached (still attaches) you to this guy (out of how many to date?)...

    Who says you have to say anything? Ok well if you HAVE to say something try ""Bye"

    Here's your hat, whats your hurry

    just tell him "bye" then find somone better than him , weather you like the new guy or not try to open your heart to him because honestly if you let him into your heart eventually he will end up there and you will forget this other guy for good .

    My husband is getting out of prison tomorrow.

    Do you know a surgeon who operates on Siamese Twins?

    How about   " It's been real and it's been fun , but it aint been real fun.

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