    Goodbye All.

    This site has now become far too religious with quotes etc.. from the bible now an everyday  occurrence. Yes i am a christian and a church goer but to contantly be bombarded by religious comments as answers to questions is now totally out of hand. There are also an element that uses akaQA as an International platform to spread the Gospel. IMHO it will not be long before you start to attract people that will be quoting verses from the Koran. Yes the forum as good as it is, is leaving itself  well & truely open - maybe the admin cannot see this. What so many forget is that what is posted can be seen Worldwide - the internet has no International boarders - & what you feel is fine to write & quote from the Bible  can be very offensive to other faiths & religions & countries around the World. I have enjoyed my time here on akaQA & bid you all farewell. I wish you all the very best. X       



    +4  Views: 1267 Answers: 15 Posted: 13 years ago

    Maz You heard Colleen me as you know "Hate bible thumpers I respect your beliefs and not once have you attack me I am an Atheist thats my belief please stay dont let them win

    Maz I regard you as a important part of why I stay on AKAqa, I have certain beliefs that are not shared by others and I agree with you some turn a question on the "price of fish"into a recitation of the sermon on the mount.
    These people do not have a life, they have an existence and one they are welcome to share with others of the same ilk.
    But not I believe on here.
    If you choose to stick to your guns and leave I wish you sincere good luck not only in your religious conviction but in particular your personal fight health wise.
    If you decide to stay I will be among the first to say "Well done. welcome back to the fire"

    15 Answers

    The admin see it as well as the moderators. There will be changes and the admin have stepped up to try and equal the playing field. Let me share with you a message I got from the admin. They do not want anyone to leave because of  any religion. 

    "Our site is a "questions and answers" site, that has only one general purpose: helping people to find answers to their questions.
    Our site is not destined for the preaching of religious beliefs. We will not allow religious people to scare non believers off akaQA. We want akaQA to be a safe place for everyone, regardless to sex, skin color, nationality and religious beliefs. We consider ourselves to be liberal. We believe in freedom of speech and we want our site to be a stage for everyone. We allow people to express themsselves freely, but when a group of people starts preaching their beliefs to the point when other members who don't share these beliefs starts feeling uncomfortable, then we need to step in."

    Now I have stepped in and stepped up and been torn apart and called God hater, Jesus hater and devil worshiper because of it. I have been accused of hating Christianity because I try to give a perspective not based in the bible.  I do not hate any religion. I just step up to the thumpers and the ones who feel they can use akaQA as a Christian platform. I just closed down an account belonging to someone who already has an account here. She had been using both to push the Christian agenda. She is now back down to one. I do watch for these things. I know the games and the tricks they use, like creating an innocent type question only to see a biblical verse applied to a picture within the question.  I deleted a question this morning because of an answer that was insulting to all non Christians. The admin are aware of all this  and as I said, this issue is being addressed. I know there are others who have already left under the stress of dealing with religion being shoved in their face. This can not happen and changes will be made. Please try to find a  little more patience and do not leave yet. 



    Well said Colleen .Maz should not leave because of them bible thumpers Iam an Atheist I have never been attacked by Maz.on my beliefs.

    I really like the paragraph you quoted from the admin. Perhaps that could be stated as a "Users' Agreement" when people sign up??? I commend you, Colleen. You are doing a bang-up job here. I sure would not want to be in your position. I feel I am in the small minority around here not being a Christian. But I can stand on my own two feet and I respect the beliefs of others. I hope that Maz does not leave. Such a shame.

    Maz I am sorry you feel this way I was at your stage a couple of weeks ago as you say I belive but I am not a bible thumper and a couple of weeks ago I answered a Question got attacked by some one with God and it had NOTHING to do with the Question at all lucky Coleen stepped in as I nearly lost the plot please have some time out rethink and keep in contact with Colleen she will get this site back on track I will miss sooooo much and I do Hope you return soon LOL xxxxx

    I just ignore questions if I don't feel like getting involved.  I also agree that sometimes Christians do go overboard to prove a point and "win" the argument.  There are a few other topics where that happens as well.

    Every topic is ours to choose away!


    The trouble lies in the fact that some questions that have nothing to do with religion end up with bible/Jesus answers in them. Other questions are designed to look one way but when you open them, they have a bible verse or sermon in them. It's not easy to just ignore something that is constantly being pushed in just about all questions on this help site. People come with a personal issue and more times than not, there will be a Christian telling them to read their bible or pray to Jesus without any idea of what this person's religion is. If a person has no other answer than a religious one for a non religious question, then they do not need to answer in my opinion.

    Point taken, Colleen.

    @Maz. I have been in the same state of mind your in right now. Just avoid the question. Have a few cold ones, chill for a while and give it another shot in a day or two. You will be missed.

    It would be a shame if you left.  Different points of views are what I feel make this site interesting and of course, the whacky sense of humors and the whacky questions.

    I loved the ridiculous... ryryrueieowpwpwieieurortoe Questions.  They are not happening any more and that just tells me the Mods are on top of things.

    I can understand your frustration Maz,religion tends to get in the way of a lot of things,especialy where it is not warranted.I think this site generates "Freedom of Speech"which sometimes can be a good thing.Sorry to see you leave on this note, your contributions to the site are held in high regard.

    HI Maz.  I go along with Colleen and ed shank and I too ask you to find a little more patience and stay with us. Its our site.

    Yes I too am a Christian some people need to learn the difference between Christianity and Religion.  I too am sick and tired of no matter what questions come up someone has to make it an all out bible thumper war.   Jesus did not even force his beliefs  on anyone.  I am sick to death of it.  I love God I am a Christian although maybe a long way from being perfect and never will be and will be the first to admit it.  But I do not go around bashing people over the head with my beliefs.  That is wrong in itself.  I am extremely sorry to see a Christian leave this forum because of other so called Christians.  


    Good thoughts Darci13.

    Ducky thank you for the nice words.

    @Maz, I haven't noticed any extreme examples of bible thumping but, I don't look for them. The subjects are so varied I don't see how such a small percent can prompt your leaving.  I'll miss your input, try to stick it out....


    As you said, you do not see all. I read all the questions here so I do see them. It's not as small as you think.

    Really? But is it a problem or something that will fade out eventually? I would think it's just a fad........

    Hear Hear again my mod!!!

    It's been on going since akaQA began. It does not fade out. It gets stronger when some feel threatened that their message is not getting out there and heard by the masses.

    Oh, well. I guess I just hear what I want to hear.... (or read....)

    jhhartan - I have noticed you are good you know when not to get involved or respond to some of the offensive and overly religious questionsxx

    How sweet of you to say, thank you........

    Good by my friend take care..

    Hi Maz, I have been looking for you lately - you were missing for a while - I cannot remember why but I liked you. However, I agree with your sentiments and have said about this on occasions it has been enough to make a good man turn bad - religion should not predominate only when appropriate - it is a subjext that should not be preached to others the way it is here to a faceless audience, always here in the UK religion and  politics are to be avoided at dinner parties unless it is consensual and non judgemental and needs to be discussed if wanted on an intellectual basis. My medical friends were particular shocked apart from the way it dominates but by some of the other things put on here an horrendous an shocking picture of a black child with a naso-gastric tube with the caption this will i.e. induce a fast orgasm just unbelievable. There is also such a lack of fairness here. And some very lovely people which is a shame Farewell my friend and take very good care of yourself and if possible please do not go - good of you to say goodbye but I know just how you feel .  


    " an horrendous an shocking picture of a black child with a naso-gastric tube with the caption this will i.e. induce a fast orgasm"

    I hope you reported this. I never saw it. Had it been reported, the administrators would have removed it.

    Colleen it was posted three days ago -Question being "how to make my wife orgasm fast". There is this picture of a sick black child with a nao-gastric tube and under it it says "show her this". I showed to two friends of mine and yesterday I was in court with a friend on a health matter when we got back showed it to her she felt sick but I didn't do anything last night intended to report it just now 30 mins after midnight here. It is so sad and sickening inappropriate to say the least let alone the question.

    Removed and I will speak to her.

    Did you ever see your birthday thread that was posted here?

    Colleen - sorry you missed this - you cannot be everywhere and I too have been so busy with this court thing etc. I was going to push the report abuse at the time. My friend said yesterday that this was enough to make people close up shop. Thanks for removing it. Yes west-bus wished me happy birthday - I have thanked him this evening.

    We had a whole list of people wishing you a happy birthday. Did you see that one? Here's the thread

    Thanks for pointing that out to Dopey, MsC ... I thought she had missed it, also!

    winfia - yes I did miss it - too occupied with things at home and the above. Thank you so much for your birthday wishes - so very kind of you such a surprise, but you had already wished me happy birthday along with west-bus and I thought that was it -
    and such a lovely message from you but this was no surpriseox


    Maz, I hope you don't leave. Perhaps you could just not answer, or for that matter not read any religious questions - have you thought of that? Anyway, sad to see you go, if you do.

    I just pass the posts that bother me. I don't linger. Get in front of the door. BLOCK IT. Don't let Maz leave. 


    I reason to get into every single discussion or argument...leave it alone if you don't like it or if you see what's coming.

    You appear to be articulate enough  to defend yourself against all comers . Composed and thoughtful ,that will be missed . I hope you will reconsider and stay . There are some people who are just plain lost and maybe dont have any one to turn to except us . Consider the one person who finds help from your words ,and ask your self how can you turn your back on that ? Single desperate mom, loss of a spouse , desperate need of a kind articulate word , just a friendly word to ease a very bad day , all those and many more need a level head and good council . I feel your work here is no wheres near done ,so take a time out enjoy other things for a bit . Then see what can be done . All my best Bill

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