    why doesn't the australian goverment print more money

    0  Views: 525 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Why would they, flooding the market with money spells disaster as the money loses its` value through over supply.

    Do you know that if the gold in world "storage" was released gold would be worth sweet BA, same for diamonds.

    Keep the supply low keep the price up.

    Just  printing money causes devaluation of a currency. It also causes high inflation & lack of confidence on the international exchanges.  

    Think of your country or any country, look at it, and try to figure out what its worth is. Also the things that run the country. Do the people work hard can they supply their own energy, does the government give the people the freedom to do their own thing likening starting business or do they own their own property. It is not all ways about GNI or PPP. Look at a country as you would a stock and if you say you want to invest in it then that country can print a little extra cash if it wants too.

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