    Health/is coconut oil recomended to reduce belly fat

    how to get rid of belly fat

    +1  Views: 672 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tarry J Masters

    Fat is not always fat. Appearances are Slim (slight/ frail/weak/ even not as healthy) How do you perceive your own identity, the others are prisoners of their own fields of dreams.

    3 Answers

    "Belly Fat", or worked on belly?  Weight and fat are linked to genetics, as is "fat".   Diets, whether using Coconut or dairy,  fat in and on.  I do not exert too much from this desk mounted computer, but that does not mean I will get thin using coconut milk.  many Samoan, Hawaiian, islanders use coconut as a dietary necessity.  Fish and that culinary staple does provide other fat releases to alter the body a physique to appear thinner..  Strokes and heart attack, diabetic analgesics produce dietary.  People as many domesticated birds get fat and die too early.  Cages and diets alter, bodies fatten and complications further.  Is this Our "fault"?  I should say not, we all get older and lose interests, not desires.

    I just made a batch of ice cream out of coconut milk and cream.  It came out very good and I don't think I'll lose any belly fat eating the whole container of it................

    I lose weight just by taking raw virgin coconut oil. One hour before every meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner), take one tablespoon. 

    I did this just to detoxify, and my friend told me that I am loosing weight. 

    So, I can testify that taking virgin coconut oil on an empty stomach will help to loose weight.

    I used this type of oil from Singapore.

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