    what age do boys stop wetting the bed

    i have 3 bed wetting sons 6-8 & 10  was wondering what age they might become dry @ night

    +1  Views: 630 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    There is no hard and fast rule for when bed-wetting stops.  If you have concerns, you should address them with the boys' physician.  
    One morning I was changing the diaper on my son (2 1/2 at the time) when he told me "Me big boy, no wear diaper".  OK....I put the "big boy" pants on him, showed him the toilet and told him to call me if he needed any help.  
    I don't recall tmy little boy EVER having an "accident" when he was awake.  However, til he went to junior high school (13?? 14??) he wet the bed.  Overnighters were traumatic! One day it just stopped.
    One night, when he was about 7-8, he got out of bed and wandered past the living room, through the kitchen , and into the laundry room.  We watched him from our vantage point, amused.  He opened the dry door (front closer).  Then he pulled down his underwear.
    We got to him just in time! 
    If the doctor says they are healthy and not to worry, don't worry.   

    Just had a thought,( do girls not wet the bed? ).


    Not as frequently as boys. Very seldom.

    6, 8, and 10, your boys are probably drinking liquids before bedtime. Make them go to the bathroom before going to bed. My sister use to wake her kids in the middle of the night to make sure they don't wet the bed. That way they trained themselves to wake up when having to empty their bladder. Just like you do. Hopefully! 

    There really isn't an age per se.  I have found you some helpful information.  Please don't embarrass or berate your child for bedwetting.  It can be a serious problem.   Good luck.



    This is one of the most confusing, misunderstood problems that a family can face. Ask any ten people why a child or adult wets the bed and you will receive ten different explanations. Research and 60 years of experience has shown that bedwetting is caused by an abnormal, deep, sound sleep. The enuretic (bedwetter) sleeps so soundly that he or she is unable to respond to bladder pressure when necessary.


    Don't worry about it. The child will probably outgrow it.

    This is the most common thing parents hear from grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, a co-worker and doctors.. The problem with this statement is very simple. While some children do outgrow bedwetting some do not. It is impossible to get adults to admit that they have the problem. More importantly, no one can tell you exactly when the wetting will stop or what effect it will have on the enuretic in the meantime.

    you can also try:   or

    Well, Mum, by the time they have reached twenty, they would have stopped wetting.

    Don't give them things to drink before they go to bed.

    Mine 14 boy /12 girl  still wetting, after many trials i now maintain them with a system of beding  for wetting at night (Removed early morning) and  different daytime beding.


    So girls can be enuretic also?

    did you take them to a urologist ? Did you restrict them from drinking fluids two hours before they go to bed ?


    another suggestion is ----wake them up in the middle of the night, and have them go urinate.. But, you  won't get much sleep   : - \  

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