    where is my child support? its almost 12 days late and no one knows anything?

    0  Views: 1205 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Government agency?  I guess I'm behind the times. In my childhood days, we just waited for Daddy's check not to come...........

    Why does it surprise you that "no one knows anything"?   You are dealing with a government agency, aren't you.  Your bad.  

    All i can suggest is that you follow this up with the child support agency.

    I do know that we are the answer the question people but this particular question may require expert advise.

    Also... Bad Ass Mama, there is not a lot of information attached and because of this I can't even GOOGLE.

    I have a question for you... "How did you aquire that name?"  ... I am betting you are adorable and make cakes just like me!  Stretching?


    She's looking for child support at the same time she's just begun smoking meth. Wanna bet why she's so anxious for the check? I'm guessing she's on welfare too. Goody, we get to pay for her newly acquired meth habit. Her poor kids.

    This is so sad.

    Colleen: I saw that question....then I went to visit my son who has been in jail for 8 months as a result of what he did to support his meth habit. I have no patience for the scenario this woman is painting.

    This is probably all for attention. Ridiculous.

    Will this be your first payment? If not, how have you received payment in the past? Is the child's/children's supporting parent ill or dead? If the support is automatically deducted from his/her paycheck/retirement check, is he/she still working?

    You should have had him pay through the courts in your divorce settlement. Go to your attorney and get that legal work done. But of course, if you are now smoking crack, your husband will get custody of the kids anyway, so it's a moot point.

    don't they garnishee it out of his check ? that's the only way you're going to get it every month--- the full amount and on time. But, sometimes they quit their job and move out of state and you're S O L   for awhile. But, now with computers and the internet, they should be able to find him using his S.S. #

    Time to find an attorney and the best way to have your child support payments is to make him pay through the court system that way he has to pay them then they send a check to you and you also have a clear and concise records of when and when he has not paid and if he is late, etc.

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