    i have the christmas blues. how can i change that feeling?

    +4  Views: 810 Answers: 17 Posted: 13 years ago

    17 Answers

    With all this great advice there's nothing more to add here. I'm sorry you feel this way, sending you a big warm hug xo

    When you're feeling blue, especially during holiday seasons, do something for some else. Volunteer at a church, youth center, shelter, etc. Serving meals to the less fortunate, and giving presents to children who wouldn't receive presents  should lift your spirit when you see the smiles of appreciation on their faces. 


    I volunteered at a soup kitchen during holidays sometimes. Make you feel lucky. Really opened up the kids eyes helping also.

    listen to a ton of christmas music. 

    Get some retail theraphy!

    Throw yourself into know..."fake it till you make it"?  Pretend a little and pretty soon, you'll find that it's not so bad after all.  Merry Christmas anyway.   :)

    Start baking, listen to Christmas music, do some on-line browsing... I love donating at this time of the year especially... gather food for the food banks.... Come over to my house... you can help me make Christmas onraments!  I need the help... really!


    I made some ornimanets with my daughter. we used glass balls and hodge podge. We covered the balls with pages from the bible on the Story of Christ's birth. (the bible was one that the binding had come apart). I have held onto it for years because I did not have the heart to throw it away. We tied a gold ribbin on them and attached a cardboard gift tag that siad : "NoeL".

    Those ornaments sound beautiful! Creative people come up with such great ideas. :)

    Don't they?

    Get on this site!

    Great advise here. Being alone sucks. Go somewhere were there are people. Even a bar. A conversation with a drunk is better than being pissed by yourself.


    Or really sad by yourself.

    thank you ducka

    Tell everyone, except children, that instead of buying gifts this year your going to give to a needy family, encourage them to do the same, then find someone that is truly needy and give them cash anonymously.

    It will make you feel great and saves a lot of problems.

    Having a drink or smoking a joint, as some suggest, may not be a good idea.  Many people get more depressed when they drink or drug.

    Find someone who is worse off than you are and focus on helping them in whatever way you are able...your time, some food, some baking, even going for a walk with someone who never gets out, or visiting someone who never has a visitor, writing Christmas cards for an older person (they don't use computers), visiting someone in the hospital, helping someone with their shopping or decorating, picking up a Christmas tree for someone...the list is'll feel good about yourself, help someone, and help your state of depression.

    I hope this may be of some help  fjoel.   


    I get to feeling that way this time of year. I miss my family that lives too far away and I live in GA where as I grow up in New England.. I get "homesick". But none of my family lives there anymore. I clean and decorate and make sure I shower everyday. I have a history of depression, and the biggest thing i can do to help is make sure I am taking care of myself....


    Your ornaments sound beautiful Jenn. ... and very good use of the stuff hanging around. Bravo!
    I made ornaments this year as well... hearts, rocking horses and bells.
    Christmas is about the small stuff.
    xoxo FG

    Yes Jenn, look after yourself and keep moving. Christmas is difficult for many and I do understand how you feel.

    Dunno when you find out let me know too okay.


    Are you sad too Darci13? :(

    Yes long story.

    smoke a joint or two

    Capitalize your Is, your C in Christmas and have a drink.

    Volunteering helps both parties. You just might find it to be a life long pleasure. Enjoy the journey my friend!

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