8 Answers
Yes, Falklands 1982. Why?
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
No. Couldn't get in the service. Was medically deferred. Got shot in the chest several times in a gunfight, most of right lung was removed.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
1952 READY FOR FIRST GUARD DUTY At the grand old age of 20 Been in Army 8weeks. NOTE THE RAKISH ANGLE OF THE SLOUCH HAT.
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Everyday the war of life......
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
tita 1, your comment (below) "People who claim to be Christian and go to war are not followers of Christ, the are in reality following the God of the world the Devil -John 17:16; James 1:27; 4:4. is an insult to every Soldier, Sailor & Airman that fights for his country to allow YOU your freedom. Tell that also to the families of those who are comming home from active service in body bags. As a British Soldier for many years i have lost good friends who all were good Christians on active service in countries around the world - fighting the warlords in the Balkans who were executing women & children by the thousands ..... Iraq 1 - Iraq 2 - Afganistan - Faklands are to mention a few.
For you to stand behind religion & quote thoughtless remarks on an international forum is quite frankly sick & an insult to every serviceman / woman on this planet.
Why oh why do people use this forum as a religious platform - yes have your beliefs, but lets stop answering every other question with religous answers or quotes from the Bible!
From an ex British soldier who is a Christian.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |