    does religon caus war

    0  Views: 661 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    A world without religion would certainly have no grounds for religious persecution, that’s true, but would that equate to less conflict? Personally, I don’t think so.

    Firstly, let’s deal with the popular fallacy that ‘most wars are caused by religion’. This is simply untrue. An academic study on the subject of the role of religion in 73 major conflicts over the past 3,500 years concluded that 60% of wars had no religious motivation whatsoever and only 4% were viewed as truly religious wars.

    In here it does.

    No, people cause war !

    Headless Man

    You beat me to TU

    The major cause of war is foreigners. They are everywhere. They start just down the street and are found at all points out from there. It ain't just religions that gets people fighting, it is almost any belief that these foreigners have. They are all very strange and whilst I do not mind that too much, nevertheless they try to get me to believe the nonsense they believe and then get mad when I refuse.




    THEY are all very strange????
    Headless Man

    If there weren't any foreigners in the world we would all get along........HA HA HA hahaha.
    Have you ever had a family reunion?

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