    what do I take for constipation?

    +1  Views: 681 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    Fruit, water, and lots of walking.  If you do those things daily, you will not need anything from a doctor or pharmacy.  Don't sit around doing nothing.  That will cause constipation.

    ""                    This works REALLY good also !!!

    Try eating Prunes before bed time,or take Coloxyl with Senna available from a pharmacy.


    pythonlover - take laxative in the morning as some people get abdo pain at night.

    Miralax it is a powder mixes even with just water and is tasteless and works and you can also buy the store brand equivalent of it cheaper at Wal-Mart or Target works just as well.


    Try this.


    WOW, Now that will loosen things up LOL !!!!!!!!!

    Maz - this would liven things up for sure huh.

    From which end do I insert it. lol

    eat a apple then drink a cup of water

    A nurse friend of mine once recommended  a little liquid soap up the backside, she said it had instant results, plus no pills no fruit.


    ROMOS - this is tood advice - usually is a patient if very constipated a manual i.e. finger inserted into to the anus(which can be impacted with faeces)will tell you this the liquid soap would get things going in the past an enema used to be a soapy solution - they use different stuff not and a Doctor can also examine the abdomin and feel the hard faeces in the intestine/colon - most of the fluid being extracted by the colon making the stool hard.

    Metamucil, it works wonders...........

    Dayne - freshly squeezed orange in the morning helps also has Vit. C which should not be taken at nigh as keeps you awake. Prunes and other fruits are good and of course bran. But there is a syrup here in the UK called LACTULOSE which is not a laxative of which there are many it just softens the stool. Also important to drink lots of fluid, and not too much carbohydrate alone in the diet. Currys are good but you may get hot ring syndrome. It is important if you are suffering with constipation on a continual babsis to speak with you Doctor as you can develop a Megacolon i.e. an expansion due to the hard faeces there but I do mean long term constipation usually poor diet i.e. lots of carbohydrates alone.  

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