    who is the boss of ebay?

    I'm having problems with eBays customer service who can I compain to?

    I personally delivered items that were not as described back to the seller.  eBays Paypal protection will not refund my money as they say I cannot supply a tracking no:  I have a written receipt from my sellers employee stating these items were returned and were checked by her to be correct.  eBay has  supplied me with the sellers telephone contact details but she does not accept incoming calls. Therefore it is impossible for me to make contact this seller as they have requested to their telephone supplier not to receive incoming calls.

    What can I do to get my refund as I have evidence that clearly states this seller acknowledges she wanted my bank details to issue me with a refund.  This information is in my ebay messages and yet customers service still persist that I get in contact with the seller.  I find I am going round in circles because this seller is no longer a registered member of eBay and I am finding it impossible to get hold of this person.  Can anyone help me resolve this problem please.

     Regards  needmyrefund

    +1  Views: 689 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    E-bay is a public company and therefore owned by it's shareholders, the current majority share holder is reputed to be Omidyar Pierre M with around 155,299,408 shares.


    Maz glad your back where have you been missed ya oxoxox

    Hi Mel - i have been in Hostpital on & off for several months now, but making a very good recovery. My last surgery lasted for 9 hours. I am now back on the chemo with radiotherapy to follow after Christmas to zap any rouge cells. Now feeling a lot lot better other than the effects of the Chemo, which varies day by day. Now back driving, shopping with my wife (how i have so missed the simple things in life!) & hope to return working shoeing the horses back in the Spring. Long term prognosis is looking good (fingers crossed). X

    Maz I am sooo sorry you have been poorly but it sounds like you are on the mend thank goodness,... that Chemo can really take it out of you My sons girlfriend last Christmas was diognosed with breast cancer and has just finnished all the treatment but is having problems with th emedication she is on its Tomoxi (cant spell that) I think you know the one I am talking about! I am glad you are driving that is a really good sign and yes those horses need you! glad your back keep in touch LOlove oxoxoxoxox

    Yes the breast cancer drug is tomoxifil, and an excellent drug it is too. One of my customers around 10 years ago with breast cancer used the drug then it was not too widely available. I still shoe her horses! Please also pass on my regards to your sons girlfriend. x

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