    Dear Dunc, Our financial director has verified today that you are 100% gauranteed to receive the award . Do not delay and lose this awardthat is already yours. You have been selected as a gauranteed winner . Congratulations on your confirmationas the holder of the £18000.00 payment number . This is a competition with additional tie- breakers to determine the winner.This competition is not a lottery or gambling . Dunc you must pay a nominal prcessing fee of £10 to release your merchandise award .

    I got this earlier today . This type of letter as started to arrive since I joined the Irish lottery . Do you know who these people are have you received anything similiar from them ? is the Irish lottery and Eurpean lottery based in Amsterdam legitimate ?

    +3  Views: 651 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    Watch dog would love to here about this one and trading standards oxoxox

    11 Answers

    It's a scam. Any "company" that asks for money to send you money is a fraud company. Thousands of people get this type of letter everyday. 

    congrats...........but DON'T DO IT!!!......any legitimate company will not ask for your $$$ to claim a prize. Good luck.......

    I get them every day. Even the FBI has been trying to track me down to see that I get my 63 Million dollar inheritance. All I have to do is send them my full identification & 500 Bucks to cover the costs of the search.

    dunk dont do it its a scam! report it to tradingstandards they love this sort of thing if you are in the uk get intouch with dont get done get Dom good luck

    I've been on Google this address is a shopping centre


    Well, you can risk the £10 if you want. I hope you can afford to lose it. You've asked twice about this so I'm thinking you don't believe it's a scam.

    Don't do it........

    ya and i got some swampland for sale as well..

    I googled it to see the address and warn other people I am not going to give them my ten pounds and I'm going to stop the Irish lottery also has since I gave them my details this has started it isn't the only letter I have received from organisations like this lately and they all point back to filling in the Irish lottery form .Thankyou

    I have this bridge for sale in Lake Havasu City. It used to be in London and now it's here. Send me $10.00 and I will send you all the details.

    These scumbag muslims need to be dealt with . They do this because they are not scared to die if get caught.

    dunc sorry to hear that .But I back the Irish lottery three numbers I go to the betting shop ,never had any problems .Won £600 about a month ago for £1.

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