    Do you think God hears all prayers?

    +10  Views: 1220 Answers: 23 Posted: 13 years ago

    he have the power t o but he chose to lessen only those with a goog heart and realy want to change

    Some of our community do not like these questions. I love them. I find it so fascinating and edifying to read our various opinions. And I love participating in the discussion. My beliefs differ from yours, but I have an open heart and and open mind. Thanks for the query.

    You're a good person and a good listener, Winfia

    23 Answers

    God is so powerful he hears our prayers. But does he listen  to all prayers ?

    For our prayer to be heard by God, we must be trying our best to  live by his laws.

    Proverbs 28:9 reads: "He that is turning his ear away from hearing the law -  even his prayer is something detestable."

    Proverbs 15:29: "The Lord is far from the wicked but he heareth the prayer of the righteous."




    I disagree.

    Shery---that means b/c the wicked don't talk to God, He doesn't hear them.

    God hears all prayers but answers yes, no or wait. Your life and condition of your heart will hold great influence.

    Here is a qualification from the Lord about whether He hears prayers or not.  This is a quote from the Bible.  Now I would like to know the difference between sins/iniquities/rebellion/transgressions etc.

    Isaiah 59:2
    But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.
    Isaiah 59:1-3 (in Context) Isaiah 59 (Whole Chapter)


    Thanks for your biblical answer.

    Difference between sin, inquities, rebellion, transgressions ? I think all are works against God's law, so no difference; or are I m wrong ?

    I think it's a lot of bunk and it does not matter what the bible says. The bible is not the word of God. God does not have rules like this. God does not hear prayer. We are here to learn, not to have God fix everything.

    For once I agree with Colleen on a faith-oriented answer. Part of it anyway. We are here to learn, not to have God fix everything.

    When I say, "God hears all prayers," or "God answers all prayers" there is no ear involved. God is not the jealous, old man of the Old Testament Bible who smites his beloved creation because they have sinned. And I totally agree with Colleen that the Bible does not lay down God's rules. Jesus taught us that the only rule is to love one another. Throw all the dogma and doctrine out the window... and all the biblical quotes, for that matter. The kingdom of heaven is within us ... as love.

    Qath, that scripture means that if you don't talk to God, he can't hear you.
    The bible says,'' You have not, b/c you ask not ''

    Winfia, and Jesus taught us to '' Love the Lord- your God, with all your heart, adn all your soul, and all your being.''

    " Yes, but sometimes The answer is (no). "


    Or the answer comes in a way you never would have expected! And you say, "No! This is not what I meant!" And then as time passes, you realize it was the right answer after all.

    Yes, daren, I believe God hears all prayers. I believe He answers them, too.  


    me, too

    Most of my prayers are in Gratitude. I don’t sully my prayers with a flock of requests because if my children talked to me that way they would be attempting to blackmail me with praise as a condition of their gratitude. I offer my ignorance to Father when I am confused. I offer questions when I have not found a satisfactory answer on my own. An admission of ignorance can be the admission of a lazy thinker rather than merely ignorance of what may be possible. So some answers simply redirect our question to an acceptable source and encourages our use of that for the more trivial things that cross our mind. Since we are within God all our thoughts are so obvious that there is nothing hidden from God. Otherwise would suggest that you can keep secrets from the awareness of God and that is not possible. So clean up your mind, you Holy son of God.


    Well said!

    I'm not to sure about that,because he never gets back to me when i leave a message.


    It seems that way, but sometimes the answer is "not yet". Or "I have something different planned for you."
    And, sometimes, we overlook the prayers he has answered (well, I do anyway).

    P L, He is saying '' Read my word, and you'll understand where I'm coming from ''

    Yes. Afterall, it was the first wireless connection ever!

    If you believe in your heart he does, then he does.

    I believe that god hears all our prayers ... and he has 3 answers

    1 yes

    2 not yet

    3 I have a better plan for you

    I  believe God hears our prays because he is always with those who believe, particularly when we pray for others, but all prayers are not answered in the way we may wish.



    absolutley .. i agree..

    Jesus said, '' I will stand outside the door and knock. Whosoever answers it, I will come in and sup with him ''

      Maybe He's knocking on your door now  !

       Knock, Knock, Knocking  on Heaven's door

    Yes, God hears all prayers. He loves it when you come into his presence b/c we are his sons and daughters. He is our heavenly father. Just  like earthly parents love it when their children come over for a visit.


    He does hear our prayers.



    Religion & quotes from the bible again!


    Maz, There are several catagories you can look up under akaQA. This is just one of them.

    They know our mind!


    When you say they do you believe there is more than one GOD ?
    lindilou can't have one without the other!!!..."in (their)our image"...Genesis 6?!

    I had a real issue with "our image". It is located in Genesis 1:26.
    My "Life Application Study Bible" explains thus:
    "Why does God use the plural form? One view says this is a reference to the Trinity...God the Father, Jesus Christ his Son, and the Holy Spirit...all of whom are God. Another view is that the plural wording is used to denote majesty Kings traditionally use the plural form in speaking of themselves. For Job 33:4 and Psalm 104:30, we know that God's Spirit was present int he Creation. From Colossians 1:16 we know that Christ, God's Son, was at work in the Creation.
    This explanation satisfied my question about the reference "our image".

    Help yourself and God will help (hear your prayers)...

    Because we are  in His mind. The humans part of His Space. And this Space and his Mind are thesame think. Everythyng is come from Himself. Creation from the Creater.

    Yes and He hears not only the prayers, because He exists everywhere.

    We are living in this level of consciousness. We are aware of this.  we can't live in the levels of unconscious (only for a limited extent). But the life in the levels of unconscious is self-conscious for the unconscious manifestations.

    Yes, all the time you just need to be extra patient.  He's a wonderful, awesome God!

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