9 Answers
The only way to know for sure is to be tested. Go to your doctor or local health department so you can be tested. Please refraim from having sex with anyone else until after you get the results. The last thing you want to do is pass this virus onto another person. Save them the worry and fear that you are feeling right now. I hope you receive negative results.
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Hepatitis C is not an STD, even though most people think that it is. It is a disease of the liver. It is very rare to contract Hep C through sexual intercourse. The risks involved increase greatly with anal sex. Hep C is contracted through blood to blood contact only. If you and your significant other have open wounds in your private areas, yes you can contract the disease. Numerous individuals in relationships with others that have Hep C have had unprotected sex for decades and the other never once contracted the disease. As long as you are careful and do not have sex during her menstrual cycle, you will have nothing to worry about. Even if you do contract the disease, your own immune system can fight off the disease as long as you do have a strong immune system and take very good care of yourself.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
You will be most unlikely infected - just check it out with the family planning clinic annoymous or have a blood test remember as with HIV the test results do not appear immediately they have to be repeated - right now I am sorry, not in a postition when I can conclusively check this out for you. Having been suspended by Colleen saying that homeopathy can treat HEP C with affidavits I still cannot believe this along with my Doctor friends. As I said unlikely - see Doctor.
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Only a visit to your doctor; and a generous dose of common sense would help too.While daren1 is correct you or your partner could have very small abrasions or other unoticeable breaks in the skin leading to a potential blood to blood transfer.An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure!
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
There is a possibility of it but your chances of having it are slim. HEP C is a blood to blood contact disease, so the only real chance of you having it is if both of you had cuts on your genitals. The main thing id be worrying about is if this girl is capable of contracting a disease like this, what else could she have.
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |