4 Answers
The United States has always had a lack luster attempt to curtail illegal immigration. In fact, it has become politically correct to support and accept this situation. God forbid, a government official or law officer polices this problem. They will quickly be labeled racist and harassed for thier actions and views.
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Worse. We tried to get rid of our illegals, deport them back, Obama blocked my state's efforts. These people are taking jobs in my state that legal citizens need. Obama needs to quit playing king and telling states they can not do things that are positive for the legal citizens. He does not have that kind of power. I'm going to write my congressman and tell him to take all the illegals in my state and ship them to Washington D.C. since Obama likes them and wants to keep them. They can go be his pets.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |