    What kind of cell phone do you have ? Do you like it ? What would you like to buy next time ?

    Any good - bad reviews of cell phones out there from you all.

    +3  Views: 1494 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: cell phones

    7 Answers

    i got a basic samsung from walmart i love it.For just $45 a month unlimited texting, calls as well as 411 and a camera , (not that thats any thing new).for the money i reconmend it to anyone who is not to fancy about a phone, plus you can take your old number with you..

    I have an I Phone 4, it is certainly the best mobile (cell) i 've ever had, and it makes phone calls too. lol.

    I have had top of the range phones over the years,some have been too complicated to use,it was only a month ago that i seen a little Samsung flip phone that was $19.00,it is the most simplest of phones,does me just fine.

    I have an older(10 years!) LG flip style phone.It is an antique by today's standards;however I Rarely have a dropped call and if I needed to replace it I would try to find the same unit.No sense in fixing what is not broken!

    mine is a sony ericson arc it only lasted five days i sent it back to 3 mobile they returned it  after three days it was exactly the same so i sent it back again they have still got it or lost it and they sent me as a replacement the little tiny experia i complained and i am still waiting for the problem to be resolved the one they sent me was a used phone they still say they sent me a good replacement phone so unless it is resolved shortley it looks like we will be going to court the phone company is 3 mobile

    10 Year old Sony Ericson flip phone - it does what it says on the box -  it's a telephone!!

    I have a HTC Sense Freestyle. I would eventually like to get an iphone or an android of some sort.

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