ng meth in my barn an doing meth in front of my youngest son which was a lie.When the CPS worker came out about my grandson,she informed me that they needed to look around the property and look in my barn to make sure there were no meth labs in there,She also asked where my son was and if I let him do drugs,An would I let them give him a drug test at school? I told her my son didn't use drugs and he was in school where he should be on a Tuesday at about 9:00 am in the morning An if she needed too she could test him.She was not going to leave my grandchildren with me until I gave her permission to look, or test him so I did so.Which they found nothing on the property and didn't show up at my sons school to test him.When she left my grandchildren with me she only gave me paper work in my daughters name stating not to give the children to her when she got out of jail until I had called the CPS worker, which was done and my daughter was told not to take the children back up to the house where her son had got out of until there was a new lock system in place but the CPS worker said she could have her 2 children back.My question is: Do I have to comply with CPS any further? Do I have to let them embarrass my son by making him take a drug test that is not needed? If I wanted could I take my son and my self out of state seeing there is no court order or really a case opened on me?The only thing they have against me is a anonymous tip which was a lie an if there was some kind of drug use why in the world would they leave 2 small children with me.Well I will be waiting your answer an Thank you in advance.I also live in Kentucky.
3 Answers
I am 100 % in agreement with you until your last line . People just dont tell their stories well in most cases . This looks like a simple chain of events story . Needs a bunch of fact checking and all those tests need to be done ,before any determination . Fact is any vindictive neighbour can accuse you of anything true or false . Insufficient data to make a hard and fast finding about anything. Your questions are very on point . Bill
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
I think CPS is done with you as long as the lock is changed and there are NO FURTHER INCIDENTS. You have a young son and a grown daughter with husband and 2 kids? How old is the son they want to drug test? I don't know why you would leave the state unless you are guilty. Why would you uproot all the kids if you don't need to? Just do what you are supposed to do. CPS does not expect a lot from people. Bare minimum at the most. Can't your daughter at least do that?
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
RoadRunner33, I have had it happen to my Daughter and she still hasn't gotten 2 of her Children back from their other Mom-Mom's. You know why? Because they are where they should be. Just like your son is with you, biological or not. My anger did get the best of me and I wasn't acting as an advocate then but as a Mom and I got mad. Mad at my Daughter for not having her girls with her. Mad at :the system you and I are arguing about, even though we are on the same side. I pray to God RoadRunner33 that you NEVER have to go through something like this again. That your Son will get through all this with minimal damage and that you sleep with peace knowing that all is well. With Great Regards/yvonne57
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |