    How do I clean the ring from my toilet bowl?

    0  Views: 1460 Answers: 15 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: toilet

    15 Answers

    Oh , just ignore my akaqa buddies senses of humor, they're just a bunch of  "potty mouths"! LOL

    You need a Pumice Stone. It is an abrasive bar with the  consistency of sand. Don't be afraid to use it. It will NOT scratch your commode, This  will magically take away those rusty-orange/brown rings left behind in the toilet that no amount of rust, calcium, or bleach cleaner used with a  toilet scrubber could ever scrub away. I've been cleaning houses since I was 18 and I'm now 45 so I would not  give you bad info, please just give it a try, I think you'll be pleased.


    You are just too sweet...

    And helpful to boot..........!

    Come clean my house CB :D
    country bumpkin

    I had to leave as soon as I answered the question. Hi yall.

    By not waiting 6 months before thinking about cleaning it.

    What shape is your kitchen sink in ?

    Long  gloves, a sponge with a scrubbing side and a good toilet bowl cleaner with some bleach. Sometimes good old fashioned elbow grease is needed.


    at first glance I thought she was talking about a ring (FOR A fINGER) oxoxox

    I would simply say, SCRUB IT! It's not that hard to figure out!

    Scrub the crap out of  it.

    My housemate used a piece of lite sandpaper and removed the most stubborn or rings.........

    Scrub and scrub bleach and leave over night and then more scrubing

    Fish it out with a hanger and then use whatever jewelers use to clean jewelry.

    country bumpkin

    Golden nuggets

    Country Bumpkin: Do you mean like this?

    country bumpkin

    I had a T shirt from that place but it's long gone.

    It is probably lime scale so the best thing to remove it is hydrochloric acid or vinegar if you don't mind using it several times. Bleach may remove the stain but the deposits will remain.

    You might be dew for a replacemnt toilet,if you are having trouble cleaning.


    My wife says she uses my toothbrush lol.

    get a rag or a towel and put water on it and scrub it really GOOD till it gets clean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Clorax and a toilet brush scrub like hell.

    pour bleach in toilet bowl water,use a toilet bowl scrub brush. scrub well,may have to repeat it.

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