
    i have severe itching under my breast, sometimes it's painful as well,it itches when it's moist under my breast,i'm constantlly drying under my breast,what do you think is the problem?

    +4  Views: 1752 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: medication

    9 Answers

    lanza Redness and soreness under your breasts is because two folds of skin are perhaps together trapping the dampness between - it can also happen in the groins - it is called intertrigo. In the UK there is a cream for this may be on prescription called TIMODINE - speak with your Doctor or pharmacist. When you wear a brassiere this separates the skin but at night the skin folds are together unless you wear a night bra. Ordinary emollient cream will help but important that you separare the folds of skin with gauze after applying even a piece of cotton it's a bit like nappy rash.     


    could be impetago

    mycatsmom - it is most unlikely that this is impetigo(usually presents with pustules) when seen by Doctor a swab will be taken if thought to be although usually diagnosed on clinical findings. I am worried about all this talk of breast cancer (scary talk) breast cancer does not present in this way. However, I worked with one of the leading Authorities of breast cancer in Europe at The Royal Marsden Hospital, Fulham Road, London. I have said to contact the Doctor regarding this and would be the best way here to get a definitive diagnosis.xo.

    sorry i'm not a doctor , but could it possible be breast cancer, why take chances get to a doctor as soon as possible..

    Boraxo soap produces a rash when used in the laundry. Boric acid, well water filtered through sea sand, fiber glass insulation, old velvet that is rubbed off easily, dry rotted wood and many dusty types of plants, grasses and pollen can produce a rash and or intense itching.   Washing clothes in machines that have been used to wash rugs or carpeting can produce itchy clothing.  

    sounds like a form of sweat rash but I would get it checked out with your Doctor


    Mel - it probably is - under the breast being excoriated and weeping - sore - I have also said check with Doctor and if it is this check that will get the right cream if not Timodine other alternative prescribed by Doctor - if a mammogram is necessary highly unlikely - this will most certainly be arranged. A very good diagnostitian can clinically diagnose breast cancer or cyst by palpation which could even be the size of a pea but mammography does this nowadays. I have also had a cyst removed from my breastxx.

    dopey thank you for that info xxx

    It might be breast cancer


    could be a fungus from trapped perspiration. See a dermatologist, then go to your gyn , or  your family Dr. and ask him/ her for a mammo gram.- - - - since you mentioned pain, too


    could be impetago. but you still need a mammo too.

    This must be very uncomfortable for you.  Why not ask your doctor?

    Read this. ⇓

    Posted by Dr. Peter in Infections, Skin Care at August 24, 2009
    Tags: breast fungus, fungus under the breast, itchy breast rash, submammary candidiasis, tinea infection of the breast.

    Click on link ⇓

    sounds like swet is the culprit. keep the skin as dry as possible. try a little powder. hope this works for you.

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