    how to make soap at home

    0  Views: 633 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers go here it's a good site with good info. And thats how to make soap, don't forget to be safe. The following was printed in an old book I have on making soap. "First you will need the following tools. A large double boiler with a glass see thru lid. Use only a stainless steel pot. A postal digital scale, a stick blender, a 64oz (2L), 32oz (960ml), and 16oz (480ml) glass and plastic measureing cups. about 6 or more small glass bowls 4-6 ounce (118ml-177ml) glass bowls to measure small amounts like the fragrance oils. A long  handled Plastic Spoon, Rubber spatula, a rubber mallet, a metal ice cream spade, a short funnel with large openings, a pail opener, molds for the finished soap, Olive oil spray to lubricate the molds, freezer paper to line the molds, and a leveler (trowel) to level the tops of the soap in the molds. You will also need safety equipment such as long sleeves, disposable plastic gloves, plastic apron, safety glasses or better yet a face shield, and a ventilation mask. Also make a solution of soapy water and vinegar to neutralize the lye acid in case you get some on your skin."

    find a recipe and experiment.

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