31 Answers (1-30 Displayed)
I remember cramming eight people into the camera booth and having our pictures taken.
The founder of Woolworth's was a survivor of the Dohmer party which resorted to eating one another during a brutal winter back in the 1800's. They were never really forgiven for their acts and endured much criticism.
13 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
How I remember Woolies with fondness cannot remember the owners - always bought things there especial in the early years - videos, cards bibs and bobs later CD's bibs and bobs don't remember vegetables though, and remember seeing them all boarded up a few years ago with sadness it always had a good atmosphere.
13 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
I can't believe a question about a supermarket generated a religious debate, seems entirely inappropriate to involve religion in this lighthearted question, I truly don't have any objection to anyone's personal and private belief, but nor do I ask for divine intervention when buying cornflakes
13 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
ANYONE on this site, Christian or not, could certainly question the stupidity of a reponse to a question about Woolworth's being, "turn to Christ and move forward". What????
@ c-man...Woolworth's is a store! It's not a church nor an idol nor a religion so what are you talking about? If you are so interested in having people believe you, then start making sense with your responses. It will work better. No wonder non-Christians get fed up!!!
I would also add that Christians should not constantly be referred to as "Bible Thumpers" unless there are also other religions that we are free to name call. That's only fair.
13 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Thanks for all of the responses! I was tempted to blast c-man also, but didn't want to aggravate myself even more. I thought a "thumbs down" would suffice, but you captured my sentiments exactly.
13 years ago. Rating: 14 | |

Please do not thumbs down answers that are not vulgar or racist or hurtful.
Fondly. One of my favorite memories is going to Woolworth's with my mother and on special occasions we also lunched there. What a treat!
13 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
I use to do electrical contrating work all over the south of England on Woolworth stores,and Oxford street was great it was a Super store,
Thier was at one time over 1200 Woolworth stores in England,they,ranged from Super stores,to grades 1.2.3.AND4, as already said i worked on many of them,doing the eletricial installion works,like the film ,still miss them,
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Only use thumbs down for bad language or abusive remarks. Not just because you disagree with a remark.
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Your first example was a crime and should be reported.
Your last example is a stupid idea that should be debated.
But according to site rules neither should get a TD unless
bad language or abusive remarks.

His beliefs have nothing to do with the question. Bible thumping is not what akaQA is all about.
As stated to me by an administrator of akaQA who drew out the guide lines of what I was to moderate here:
"Our site is a "questions and answers" site, that has only one general purpose: helping people to find answers to their questions.
Our site is not destined for the preaching of religious beliefs. We will not allow religious people to scare non believers on akaQA. We want akaQA to be a safe place for everyone, regardless to sex, skin color, nationality and religious beliefs. We consider ourselves to be liberal. We believe in freedom of speech and we want our site to be a stage for everyone. We allow people to express themsselves freely, but when a group of people starts preaching their beliefs to the point when other members who don't share these beliefs starts feeling uncomfortable, then we need to step in."
This is why I try to limit the amount of bible thumping that goes on here. We are not a religious platform for every wanna be preacher or devout follower to toss God/bible/religion into near every question that comes along.
Only use thumbs down for bad language or abusive remarks. Not just because you disagree with a remark.
his remark was his, no thumping or any rule breaking, sad when so many are upset by his comment. "turn to christ and keep moving forward"

C-man's comment was out of line for this question. He was preaching. akaQA needs no preachers directing people to Jesus. This is the year 2011 and unless a person is a toddler, I imagine everyone knows about Jesus by now. Religious comments such as "turn to Christ" belong in religious questions or on a Christian forum, something that akaQA is not. I feel I've covered this so that all can understand. This discussion is over.
I was in New Orleans about ten years ago and was surprised to discover, not one but TWO F. W. Woolworth stores.
One was primarally selling to blacks and carried mostly bulk items like Sam's Club.
Ii asked the lady were I would find hair spray. She chuckled and said , Honny black folks don't need no hair spray, you must go down the street to the other Woolworth's, they will have hair spray.
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
My mom worked at the cafe in Woolworth. I remember sitting at the counter while drinking a soda and watching her work.
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
As Pl & Terry have said we still have Woolworths supermarkets but...back in the day (1950s) We had the Woolworths 5 & Dime as you call them in Fortitude Valley right here in Brisbane.It was a wonderful shop for kids.Everything was cheap & you could spend hours there.Also it is my first memory of air conditioning.It was always so cool there,even to stand just outside the door & let the cool air waft over you.Thanks for the memories Clonge.Good stuff.
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
I am sorry but i did not know the Woolworths but mabe you should turn to christ and just keep moving forward.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
At least we can see Woolworths.
Jesus and Christ will pop up in comments even on a nonreligious question, it's how we relate our destiny's to every event in our lives. I know it's difficult to understand. I think that when God is a part of your life, if you truly believe as a Christian, God is supposed to come first, above all other things.