    Have You Ever Tipped A Waitress Extra out of Pity?

    Edit   Pity was incorrect, I'm referring to not getting everything right because he or she was swamped with other customers?

    My Mother was a waitress and would do that because she understood, now I tend to do that too. Any experiences?


    +4  Views: 1193 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago

    I think the word you want is compassion.

    19 Answers

    Pity? No. More like understanding of how low their hourly pay is.  I tip well and if I see someone leave a cheap a$$ tip on their table, I'll toss a few more dollars on the table. I hate to see a waitress insulted by a dollar tip. 


    The cheap one would be me. We don't tip in Australia. Only if it is mentioned on the menu. Tip no one is my motto.

    Here waitresses make about $3.65 an hour or so. The rest of their pay comes from their tips.

    thank you Colleen I was a waitress for many years xxxx

    I wish more people understood how low the pay is for waitresses mel.

    Colleen How true is that the pay is rubbish!! :-)

     Waitress I tip everyone who serves me except shops I worked as a waitress for many years while holding another job its hard work but really enjoyed it meeting all different people from all walks of life



    Like the restaurant animation! Reminds me of an old Bob's Big Boy!

    figtree 3 thanks xxxx

    I always tip a percentage of the  bill and add extra for a job well done.  I waitressed for years and it really hurt when people would tip extra for a coworker out of pity.  I considered my self a good wait person....

    We are not expected to give tips in Australia,but i do tip a cab/taxi driver,after all he has got me safely to my destination or home .I feel sorry for the taxi drivers,they put up with a lot of bad stuff   eg ....    abuse ,drunks ,fare evaders ,robberies ,assault .

    My sister in law was a waitress for years in boston, she would always say her best tippers were the blue collar workers ,construction workers especialy cause they could appriciate what good hard work means..


    your right Darin my sister was a waitress sometimes got "abuse from drunks but construction there tops.

    I tip out of respect, and I tip more for a job well done in a profesional and courteous manner.

    mostly men do that. Women are not as good tippers as men. Ask any waitress .

    ed shank

    So right.

    Not pity. They get at least 25% from me for descent service, more for exceptional service. This ensures a good seat the next time I stop in for dinner.  Worked as a waiter for about a week, the job sucked.

    The reason to leave a tip is because the job performance has exceeded my expectations.
    I expect to be given prompt, courteous assistance in receiving my meal.  That is the job the waiter or waitress has been hired to do.  I expect my hair or nails to look well-groomed after an appointment with the hairdresser or manicurist.  Those are their jobs. But, I always leave a tip....Serving someone else is never an easy task and I appreciate the person being there to bring my meal or help me look nicer.  A cheerful, positive attitude goes a long way in creating a good atmosphere, in addition to prompt and courteous.
    PITY TIPPING?  No.  

    Tipping was something that we had to become accustomed to in America.It is not customary in Australia but our waitresses don't work for $3.65 an hour either.More like $25.But I do tip when the service is exemplary. At a Vietnamese restaurant we visited last week we waited 1 hour & 10 minutes for our main course & then we were told we would have to vacate the table by 7pm because the table was previously booked.That gave us about 7 minutes to finish our meal.Guess how much of a tip the got from us.$0.00.

    I wouldn't call it pity but if I happen to know that a waiter/waitress is struggling, for whatever reason, I will toss a little extra on the table, especially if the service was good.  I don't really like it when wait staff says, "Do you need change"?  My answer, in that case, will always be "YES".  If I hear, "I'll be right back with your change", then for sure they can keep it!


    I agree- I always tip but it takes some gall to ask if you need change.

    we don't always tip here as the wages are reasonable, and the meals can often be expensive, but I must admit when I see some poor soul all frazzled, mixing up orders and run off their feet I generally leave a tip, as I know just how they feel ( I used to waitress to put myself through higher ed and feed my children)

    As said earlier we in Australia are not tippers, it would have to be exceptional service for me to tip a waiter or waitress and always has been.

     I know in some countries the wages are poor but I go to a restraunt for a meal not to suuplement the person who takes my orders` wages. If the wages are bad stand on your dig and revolt until the wages improve.

    Bet the meals are not significantly lower than here in the bloke who owns the place is laughing all the way to the bank at the diners expense and will continue to do so as long as you continue to tip.

    Tips is To




                          DOES IT?



    To Insure Prompt Service means that I should probably give the service provider some cash before the meal even begins.....

    Very well seen Bob/PKB that is how it all started and I will confess (don`t tell the other Aussies) that when I was in a managerial position with a international company I would go to the venue and "Tip" prior to taking top clients and it worked like a charm.
    The trouble is the original became what we now regard as a reward or in the case of the U.S.A., mandatory from what I have read, for waiting staff.

    Sometime we go out to eat and the food is not good and I think I should get a tip for eating it. Yes I always tip for good work.


    Ummm think twice about this....The wait staff does not prepare your meal and should not be held responsible for poor quality unless you have asked the waiter/tress to bring a new meal and they refuse (then it's time to talk to the manager)

    I can only afford to cook in a cafe'...not actually go EAT at one for gosh sakes!!!  LOL

    I always tip.

    I haven't, but Jack did. He left a BIG tip:

    Almost on a regular basis. Occasionally, they are understaffed. Other times, they are either poorly trained or plain incompetent.

    lindilou've been to our cafe' then??? LOL

    I was brought up in the restaurant business, i know the sorrow a waitress/waiter goes through when they are 'stiffed'  it happens all the time.  Waitress gives great service and the customer stiffs them and laughs about it as they are leaving.  Very sad.  I am a good tipper probably because of this.  Sometimes I will tip good for bad service too and say as I was leaving.. "your tip is on the table--you should think how it might have been if you gave good service" of course they think I left a penny but in fact, i left them a good tip.  I believe this teaches them better than stiffing them, this only makes it bad on the next customer. (think about it)

    In our restaurant we would slip a few bucks to the waitress when we know they were stiffed and did a good job.. Of course if they were stiffed for doing a bad job, then we would question why. A food server has one of the most strenuous jobs out there, they represent the restaurant and its owners, we knew this, we treated our servers well. and, most customers do too, its just a few that should stay home and cook for themselves.  

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