    where can i cash a personal check besides the bank

    +1  Views: 4165 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    anywhere you are known, trusted and the amount is reasonably small. In absence of these, that cheque is only paper that can only be deposited and paid only after it clears.

    A lot of grocery stores will cash a personal check or you can write a check for over the amount you are paying for what you are buying...........

    Hardly anywhere in my area, whether they know you or not...mostly only cash or if not, they have a machine and ask..."debit or credit"?  The dishonest people have prevailed once again.  Business owners cannot trust anyone anymore...too often cheated out of their money. Sad.

    There are places around here that cashs checks but -a big fee!

    Anywhere you are trusted and the amount is small.

    at a party store.......if they know you there.  A party store, in Michigan is what we call a store that sells liquor,  beer, soda ( pop )  candy, some food and snacks 

    Ask your mom.

    Moms usually trust cashing their kids checks.


    how does a mom cash checks ?

    Mom takes the piece of paper from kid and hands them the cash from her purse. Mom then takes paper to bank and gets cash from Mr. Banker.

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