    do cats use their tails for balance

    my poor puss oliver had his tail caught in a door, the vet had to amputate most of it, he's o.k  but  someone told me that cats balance themselves with their tail, is this correct

    +3  Views: 815 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    Yes to a degree but they learn to adjust and do fine. I have one who has a very short bob tail she was born that way she was a rescue kitty and she is doing great. So do not worry.

    4 Answers

     Cat 8 lambshank I am so sorry to hear about your oliver (I had a cat called Oliver love the name) I do hope he is ok now ..... yes cats do use thier tale for balance but I wouldnt worry Oliver will adapt to him having no tail he will not miss it as I think we would! give him a hug from me xxxx


    Awwww...ouch...poor little kitty cat.  I'll bet he cried.  Animals always look so sad when they have been injured.   :(


    yes "men to when hurt by the wife I cry she smiles

    Poor puss oliver ,,     . Yes, cats use their tails to balance themselves.

    I think cars use their tails as language.  Also there is a breed of cat with a stubby tail. I hope your kitty is getting better

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