14 Answers
Yes. I was a little skinny English girl, dressed like one as well... in little English shoes and boots with matching coats and dresses plunked right smack dab in inner city Edmonton. Bulls Eye!
I remember each and every one, first and last name... and it still ticks me off.
Mind you... I can run fast!
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
No I was never bullied and I was always taking up for the one's who were.I remember in jr.high school taking up for this poor girl who alway's wore the same outfit because that's about all she had and here 45 year's later she still remembers that I was there for her.Could'nt stand bully's.
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Oh sure. Lots of kids are targets at school, for lots of reasons or for no reason at all. Too skinny, wearing glasses, freckles, red hair, fat, poor at sports, too smart, not smart enough, too tall, too short, too rich, too poor, a brother in trouble, a father in jail, a disability, a house in the slums...the list is endless.
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Ah hah!?
I also would add that I don't understand it when I see someone on television, now in their 30's, 40's or 50's still crying about having been bullied in school. Sorry, but I just don't get that. Didn't someone say, "Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger"? (I think that is how I must think.)
I was the target of much ridicule, we didn't have much money and mum made my uniforms, she didn't sew well, so I always stood out, I was pretty scrawny too so in high school I soon learned to take up smoking, only the "bad" kids smoked so they left me alone. I wagged school a lot too, had a great suntan but not a lot of education!
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
i was mostly the fat kid no one wanted to play with so i was ridiculed. pushed round by others. fought my way through school till i quit. couldnt take it no more. funny how stuff sticks to you, im still a loner with no real friends.
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
you are a lot like me Lambshank!!I wasnt a smoker then though(the smokers WERE hard!!) I reckon in some ways theres nothing so cruel as children
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Thankfully - never just hate bullies there are too many in school today.
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
There was a mean-spirited girl in P.E. sophomore year, but it never amounted to anything. A girl wanted to beat me up in elementary school, but that didn't happen, either. I wasn't the kind to PO a classmate; teachers were another issue. :)
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
dopy, I went to a catholic school, the nuns were really cruel with some of us, worse than the other kids, also bullying in the workplace is really a huge problem, I have also experienced this, it got to the point of private investigation instigated by the department I work for, federal police also became involved and the person responsible was dismissed, it can be serious stuff and unfortunately a lot of people don't recognize that they are even being bullied, we run courses now to provide employees with the information and avenues available for them to be able deal effectively with this, I have no sympathy and now Im older will not tolerate bullying in any form, for any reason.
Hey, have you noticed, I finally found out how to use the spell check...YAY
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
yes but i avoided the bully and the bully never saw me again. i do not like fighting.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Yes and bullied at work even with people over 50 years old once a bully usually always a bully sad to say.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Looking back on junior high, I would say yes. But the bullies were nothing like the bullies we hear of today. It was never physical abuse, but verbal. They could only do it at school because besides the telephone, and these kids most defiantly didn't have my number, there wasn't any technology that we have today. I had health problems, so the kids would just make fun of the problems I had. I had long thick hair, so I would find gum in it. You know the saying "Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". Well, that's not true. Words hurt too. I can remember everything that was said as thou it happen yesterday. These kids left their mark on my adult life. I can't remember their names, but I do remember their faces.
I remember right after high school I me a young lady. She was a patient at Cleveland Clinic, and I was going for a tests for an operation. We started talking, and as she talked about her family, I realized her brother was one of my bullies. I never said anything to her about him. After my operation, she would come and visit me in my room. I just thought, given this guy's sister is having health problems, how on earth you could make fun of someone else problems. You of all people should have understood.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |