    what part does your faith play in your life.

    +6  Views: 1132 Answers: 14 Posted: 13 years ago

    14 Answers

    Faith plays a huge role in my life.  Without faith, I would give up  trying. I probably wouldn't even bother getting up.  Why bother.
    But I have faith that God has a good plan for me (as He does for everyone, as far as I'm concerned), that I'm a good quality, valuable person (in spite of how I feel sometimes).  I have faith that when I'm ready, God will provide me with a partner to finish this life loving and enjoying. Without faith, I'd probably just eat myself into some serious health and appearance problems, or wither away from not eating at all.
     I have faith that my sons are going to be alright sooner than later, and we will all get along well some day.  Without faith, I would probably cry  all the time instead of just "frequently" with hopelessness.  
     I have faith that my car is going to get me where I'm going and back.  I have faith that other drivers are going to be conscientious and drive safely.  Without faith, I would be afraid to leave the house
    OK, you see this could go on and on.  I have faith that God's got my back and "it" is going to be OK. 


    Bob/pk its good if that's where you find comfort and if it inspires you to continue your life in a positive manner, I respect that

    I'd like to say 100% but it more like 200%..

    Faith is life. 

    My faith has brought me through many trying ordeals and times in my life.


    shootah, thats good, but a lot of really good people have helped me through a a lot of crisis in my life, the death of my foster daughter,the murder of my best friend and it goes on and on, I thank those that had faith in me, accepted me, and whatever I do or do not believe in accepted that I needed their help, without asking what religion I am, or if indeed If I even believe their God.

    I rely on my relationship with God everyday. He has shown me how to be a good guy as opposed to being a s***bag. Apparently my corrosive nature on occasion doesn't piss him off. His hand is always on my shoulder.


    "His hand is always on my shoulder." I love that sentiment and the image I get from it. Thank you!

    ed Shank your belief is strong and His hand will always be on your shoulder. Keep Him with you always.

    Interesting question,what about someone like me that doesnt follow a religion? Ilive by my conscience,if i think its the wrong thing to do then i dont do it and the opposite holds true.Id never intentionally do anything to hurt you-my conscience wouldnt let me .I was brought up strict Chapel but lost that a long time ago


    that`s great- u r a good person. However perhaps you want to know who u r and your faith can enlighten you if you truly seek.IMHO

    What is meant by "strict Chapel"? Why did you "lose it"?
    Headless Man

    What or who do you think gave you your conscience?

    leosman, unsure of what a chapel is,but I live with my conscience, and also sleep well at night knowing I have done all in my power to do the right thing by others. and (I may go to hell for this......but pooh to formal religion), it's what is in my heart that counts and my actions speak louder than a lot of tired knees on pews

    leosmami: I don't know that this question necessarily has to be based on religion. Faith is the belief that something IS, in spite of the fact that you can't see it. (this is a loose definition, but it fits). If I told you I had a quarter in my pocket and you believed me without seeing it, that is faith that what I said is true.
    And yes, what is "Chapel"?

    My faith is in Jesus Christ. It means everything to me.


    you have partially answered.

    This is not a partial answer. When I said it means everything to me that says it all.

    I am a Catholic born to burn in Hell it haunts me


    so r u practicing. And why do u say

    so r u practicing.

    Your born a sinner in the Catholic church due to original sin and those Irish priests cursed you somthing chronic

    flange, NO no one can condemn u a sinner , to Judge is god`s work. We r all sinners but u commit a sin against me, ONLY I can forgive u. If u commit sin against God, he is merciful and will forgive you. So get it clear Be a good person and let not anyone judge - casting the first stone, remember.
    Headless Man

    If you are born again hell will not concern you.

    flange, you are not born to burn in hell. Whoever told you that should be hung up with the rugs and beaten with a broom.

    To Bobpkb I know your not made to burn in hell it's just the way you were made to feel by the priests who taught us at the time . Ido know that I'm not the only one who got this impresssion as I recently met a few others who had the same impression of how we were educated

    I have faith in christ, my savior, with my health and age it effect me daily, he's keeping me here for some

    I belive in God but I dont let it rule my life faith is all around you nature brings me to faith I sopose!!

    If by faith, you refer to religious faith, the answer is zilch. I have plenty, albeit not unlimited faith in many people that I frequent with. Faith in fictional characters is what many children or delusional adults engage in.

    Hi Ducka,what i meant  was everything we were taught in Sunday school was set in stone,same as when we got older and moved onto chapel teachings properly.I dont really think i ever really got it.But (and im not "Christian bashing"),3 people come to mind ,2 are methodist ,the other goes to an evangelical church.the methodists are 2 vicious old women,the other a so and so hypocrite.If thats Christianity for you then id sooner not have that.Am looking again at bigbens answer,it makes a lot of sense, in part ,to me

    Headless Man

    True, you will find them in any church, but you will find them everywhere, but if you find them less in church than everywhere.


    leosmami, I just have to ask if you know 2 vicious people and 1 hypocritical person, none of whom are Christian? Probably?? There are unpleasant people in all walks of life. Please don't judge Christianity (or any religion) based on human behavior.

    I'm a secualr humanist which means that I reject anything supernatural, superstitous or dogmatic. I believe that human beings have the capacity to use logic, reason, and human goodness to establish ethical and moral conduct without religious influence. I don't believe in god or the afterlife. I know that this upsets a lot of people, but I have done a great deal of research on the subject and didn't come to this conclusion easily. I don't condemn or belittle people that are relgious, but it's not for me. Sometimes I actually envy them.


    good thinking, but i wonder what u think of who gives and take life to and from physical body, who controls or has put in place the planets. the moon, sun, oceans, mountains etc

    To sawali: Well, I believe that life is a function of biology, nothing more and nothing less. Life begins at conception (not personhood) and when it ends its simply the body wearing out.
    As for the planets: I think that they are a result of natural phenomenon. Big bang, possibly. However, even if that is wrong it doesn't mean that science wont find the answer. But, when people attach a religious explanation to nature that is being arbitrary which has no basis in fact, it's simply a belief.
    I can't say that I will never have some sort of epiphany, but to say that I believe when I don't would be a lie and if there is a god wouldn't he know whether I was sincere or not?
    Headless Man

    bigben, can I ask how do you prove a fact.

    bigben, body wears off at any age? then when that spark/light disappears, the body is useless and goes to dust. That spark is spirit of god. think logically and you don't have to believe this fact.

    bigben, good on you for saying what you believe in your heart to be true, not what you think others may like to hear....

    I completely respect your answer and appreciate that you don't pass judgment on people who are religious. THANK YOU for the "live and let live" mantra.
    There are so many different religions and I don't think faith necessarily means religion.
    If you are a reader, I would like to suggest you consider reading "The Case For Faith" by Lee Stroebel. (think that's spelled right). He was an atheist whose wife became a Christian. It upset him so much he set out to prove she was wrong. He is now a Christian pastor. (He also wrote "The Case For Christ").
    Where do we get a basis for ethical and moral conduct? What would make us want to use logic, reason, and goodness instead of "might makes right" and "take what you want from everyone you can"? Why care about anything or anyone else over ourselves? (I'm not trying to be a hag; I really do want to hear what you think).

    To Bob/PKE:I've actually started to get that book a couple ot times; I'll take your suggestion.

    To Randy Plamer: You don't have to prove a fact because it isn't a fact unless it's already been proven. Science uses logic, reason, and observable data to formulate a hypothesis and expermentation until you establish a law, but even then it can be disproven, Einstein's theroy that nothing is faster than the speed of light looks like it may prove to be false. However, if so, it will be with fact, not belief. You can determine what is true by observation and science, but to offer a belief as the reason is implusive and whimsica.

    Your not Catholic are you hahaha


    no i am not but what about it.

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