There just seems so many questions that are nearly impossible to answer...
"I don't know." "I'm not sure." "Let me get back to you." "Can you rephrase please?" "We require more information." "Clarify subject matter."
Surely there has to be more than letting the darned things loiter.
6 Answers
If you see a question that has been setting there for days that you know is beyond our capabilities of answering, then you can move it along by posting a message like, "I do not understand the question, can you rephrase please?" adding if needed, "We require more information." If they have tagged it, it may be eventually found by someone going through the Top Labels for questions they can answer. Sometimes moving them off the unanswered side actually gets them more attention because the members tend to check the answered side more than the unanswered side.
13 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
That has crossed my mind ,but doing that just moves it off the front page where it might get some attention . More than a hundred pages of waiting questions thats sad. I am up for a good solution just so long as its not pure mean. I find it difficult to understand just how clueless some folks are . Bill
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |