    Why is it necessary to measure area in square units?

    0  Views: 383 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Perimeter is measured in units OF LENGTH, 
    while area is measured in units OF LENGTH squared. For instance,
    perimeter can be measured in meters, while area can be measured in
    square meters.

    Now imagine how you might measure a perimeter and an area physically.
    To measure the perimeter of a shape, you might take a string, lay it
    along the outer edge of the shape until you come back to the start of
    the string, and cut it off there. Straighten out the string and
    measure its length: that's the perimeter of the shape.

    Can you do the same with the area? No! You might try to fill the
    shape with string, but how much string it takes will depend on the
    thickness of the string--it's not just a matter of how long the string

    Instead, we can imagine cutting a whole bunch of little squares--say,
    one centimeter on each side--out of paper. Then we can lay the
    squares side by side inside the shape until we have filled all the
    space. (We may have to cut up some of the squares into smaller pieces
    and stick them in little corners.) Count up all the squares we used,
    and what do you have? The area of the shape in SQUARE CENTIMETERS!

    In other words, a shape with an area of, say, 25 square centimeters
    has an area 25 times as great as that of a square one centimeter on a
    side. That's where the notion of "square units" comes from.

    Furthermore, the area of a rectangle (including a square) is the
    product of its length and width. (This is easily confirmed by the
    method of cutting up little squares: they go in rows, and you can
    count them by multiplying the number of rows by the number in each
    row.) So the area of the one-centimeter square is

    (1 cm) * (1 cm) = 1 cm*cm

    The units are centimeters times centimeters. What is a number times
    itself? It's the square of the number. So we call centimeters times
    centimeters "square centimeters".

    How's that? Does it answer your questions? Let me know.

    - Doctor Rick, The Math Forum


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