    how do you tell if a dog is dying?

    0  Views: 1481 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    Are you that cruel can you not take the dog to the vet to see what is going on?????? If not find another owner with a heart and compassion for animals and give the dog to them since you obviously do not give a crap.

    brilliant answer Darci,i was looking for the box you tick for best answer but with no avail.But youve hit the nail on the head there!

    7 Answers

    I am very sorry if your dog is dying.  I would take the dog to a Vet.

    When they are dying it is fairly self explanitory.

    They often look very sad and their breathing is labored.  You should get to a vet ASAP if this is happening.

    If You Think Your Dog Is Dying For Gods Sake Take This Poor Dog To The Vet ASAP

    if it is lying down with shallow breathing /fitting/eyes rolling/ you know this poor creature needs help  

    No use sitting around wondering if it is dying,there must be something wrong with the dog for you to ask .Please do the right thing by your pet and get to a Vet,the animal may be suffering more than you know.

    many owners are in denial when it comes to how poorly their pet is doing, they selfishly fear the loss of the pet.  Others do not seem to tune in and actually know what is normal for their pet.  I do not know which this is, but if you cannot afford the vet bills, see if they have any grants to assist.  Do not let the pet suffer.  The quality of life should come before the emotional attachment of the owner.  Is this pet up and about?  Does it eat and eliminate wastes, both types?  Does it have access to all that it needs, clean fresh water, food, fresh air, etc.  Is the dog labored in breathing, at rest, with no exercise?   Is it painful to "palpate" the dog about the abdomen, over the kidneys, to move his limbs in flexations?  These are some of the things the vet will check for in addition to blood and urine tests, etc. 

    The fleas no longer have an attraction to em..

    If you know the dog well and you suspect it's dying, it probably is. Take it to a vet, NOW. What's wrong with you?

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