    Try as I may ... I am having a heck of a time reducing the amount of my "Vote-Ups left today". How about you?

    They just seem to grow and grow even with my 'give away' enthusiasm.

    +9  Views: 940 Answers: 15 Posted: 13 years ago
    country bumpkin

    Thanks Fish-O! :))

    15 Answers

    Compared to you I probably don't have many, but I've never ran out of votes! I don't vote for answers I don't like!


    I don't either...I was thinking it would be grand to donate them to charity or something.

    i got  a few extra just give me a shout and let me know who to vote up .


    I just TUed you and nothing happened... this could be part of the problem... the votes are having a party and don't want to leave the fun.
    ...Probably a really good band playing.

    seems to be working on my end,, only cause the party stops here.

    I have slow internet and I never give them all away, I have 2641.....


    I have 2298how ... how to give these away!!??

    Oh all right. I'll take them. :)
    country bumpkin

    We'll split them, Ducka.
    Headless Man

    I think akaQA is going give a $1

    fish I have never ran out Of TUs and I give them away all the time I give them away even if I dont really like the answer its because they have shown the effort but If the answer is bad then I will TD no questions asked (sorry about the pun) heee lets hope the goverment doesnt start to tax us on our TUs that are left heee


    Keep up the good is appreciated !

    thanks Benthere xxx
    After a few TU's my number stays the same unless I close out then come internet must be real slow ... probably the government monitoring me.......LOL..maybe I shouldn't LOL !

    I knew you were shifty! :)
    country bumpkin

    Laugh in silence?

    I have totally given up on trying to use all my vote-ups. One thing I notice tho. Whenever I answer someone's question I just automatically give them a TU because it was interesting enough for me to answer. And yet, TUs are VERY low for Questions. For example, there are 6 answers so far on this question and fishgirl only gets 1 TU??? Good questions get lots of responses, earning us karma. Good questions should get lots of vote ups, too!


    I TU the questions as well. Heck, I would TU a smile if I could.

    me too!

    This TU for questions I've commented about, too, winfia. I was thinking that each time a question is answered, it should automatically be given karma points. It might stimulate more questions.

    I've got 152 left today.. I'll go blind before I use all of them.


    I have been on a mission these past few days and it seems not to make a dent.



    I have 1365 remaining and I only ran out of TUs months ago for one day only. Is there a prize for running out of TUs?


    No prize... It would be cool if we could do something useful with them... like donate them to homeless shelters in the form of food.


    I have stopped giving vote ups, Sorry. Each time I click on T Up, my page scrolls back to start of page, its pain. What can I do to stop page going back to top ????


    I was told it was my server... it has stopped. I hope it doesn't start again.

    Wimpbird !

    Same problem for me and was driving me crazy. A friend of mine has a system-fix business. He actually cleared out my whole computer last week and re-installed my stuff and Windows 7 (yes, my computer isn't brand new). The computer is like new and the reactions here are better than ever. Your computer may need a dusting????

    i think the little devils breed when youre not looking!joking apart ,i always seem to have a shedload left at the end of the evening. But i tend to only give them if its a question or answer that interests me


    Thank you Bob/PKB, guess your right, but it will have to wait a while, as I dont know how to do it myself.

    I've got 2772, anybody want them?


    Ed some of mine would love to keep yours company instead.Can i put em in the post to you?????

    Ed some of mine would love to keep yours company instead.Can i put em in the post to you?????

    dont give me bonus ones !!!!Cant use the little devils ive got!!


    I know! Right!?!

    As your karma increases, so do the amount of TU's you can give. There's nothing stated that you have to use up all the TU's available. I have over 6000 I can give. There's no way I could ever use them all.

    i think the little devils breed when youre not looking!joking apart ,i always seem to have a shedload left at the end of the evening. But i tend to only give them if its a question or answer that interests me


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