    what factors affect a volcanic eruption

    0  Views: 1019 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    It has been a known fact, almost as widely believed as Anthropogenic Climate Change (ACC) and for much longer, that virgins can stop volcanic eruptions.  They have to be taken (and thrown in) at the first sign of smoke or rumbling. There is some disagreement as to whether girl virgins are more or less efficacious than boy ones but this is usually hedged by using both. If you live near a volcano it is wise to lose your virginity as soon as you can. ACC is in reality just an updating of long held traditions that human beings can cause or stop natural events by sacrificing (other) people. Never mind the evidence, believe !.


    it true i saw the movie joe vs the volcano they also like orange soda..

    It has been a known fact, almost as widely believed as Anthropogenic Climate Change (ACC) and for much longer, that virgins can stop volcanic eruptions.  They have to be taken (and thrown in) at the first sign of smoke or rumbling. There is some disagreement as to whether girl virgins are more or less efficacious than boy ones but this is usually hedged by using both. If you live near a volvano it is wise to lose your virginity as soon as you can. ACC is in reality just an updating of long held traditions that human beings can cause or stop natural events by sacrificing (other) people. Never mind the evidence, believe !.

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