    When will the son and daughter get settled in life. Both are gainfully employed but no sign of settling down in life/ Any chance of them getting married

    0  Views: 310 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    God only knows ..good luck !!

    The son and daughter of who? Would you not be better off asking the son and daughter you are typing about rather than us ?

    I know you would be furiously trying to arrange a marriage for them. If you force them, it could end in a disaster. Goodness, leave them alone, let them enjoy their money and jobs. If they don't get married and choose a single life, it's nothing to do with you. You should have had more kids, so you can be kept busy in your retirement, arranging marriages.

    When they are ready. People are waiting later in life to marry. I think you may want grandchildren. Is this correct?

    Don't push the issue. Their time will come.


    Change the locks on the doors and tell them time to move on.

    Do not rush or any relationship may not work for long!

    they will when they want or if they want to get married. Dont even think of forcing them - you will regret. Pray for their happiness.

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