    past my bedtime but(and I KNOW !!) i shouldnt but does anybody smoke in bed?

    youre not allowed to shout at me!!!!

    +6  Views: 1132 Answers: 17 Posted: 13 years ago

    17 Answers

    You do realise that when the men start answering this question you will get an entirely different spin on the answers.

    I think I am becoming one of them through osmosis!  I thought about cigarettes and 'Snap!" ... I was walking on the dark side.

    Smoking can kill you.  Smoking in bed gives you double the chance.

    I would not dream of shouting at you - whatever makes you happy!

    No, I don't even smoke in my house. 

    I use to, when I was young and foolish, like in my teens and 20s. ......not a good idea !!  I didn't think I was in danger of falling asleep while smoking, b/c I was so wired  when I went to bed when young. But I don't think an older, sleepy person should smoke in bed. They're asking for ' ' The burning bed '' to not be a drama on T V, but something real

    people who smoke in their house have a harder time selling the house because of smoke in vents and everywhere. I own two rent houses, they are not allowed to smoke in it at all. Give your lungs a break, just dont do it. 



    I love how you don't answer but always respond! Or are you just procrastinating ...

    hmmm.I'll tell you later..

    Its dangerous and disgusting. But if you want to smoke in bed it's your life.


    ...or the lack of.

    Exactly, Ducky.

    NOT SHOUTING.....I do to when I can get away with it, I often work very late and sleep in a bit in the morning, first thing I do when hubby has gone is to run out ,make a coffee, grab the cigs and head back to bed to watch the news....heaven


    cant fault you!!

    She's not that hot!


    we are!!!joking apart,anyone else freezing and vaguely achey?Might go codeine hunting....

    ""    Would rather not be smoking right now !!!!!!


    Very un-sexy! She seems to think so too!

    Looks like he got what he wanted and she didn't!

    Winfia and Ducky, this lady looks really disappointed doesn't she?

    I t must be the after glow.Most smokers smoke in the after glow .

    Always smoked after some intimate activity. Stopped smoking for the most part. Not anymore in bed. We now get it on in front seat of my pickup. Just kidding.

    Smoking in bed wasn't on my list of bad habits to break.  Smoking inside a home really does leave a bad smell, and it yellows paint, ceilings, carpets, wallpaper...just permeates the place. I recently received a large envelope from a smoker, and when I opened it, the whole inside of the envelope smelled like cigarettes.  

    FINALLY, my son has stopped smoking (almost 100%).  HE smells better, his van smells better, the kids smell better...thank God he has cleaned up that scene of his act. 

    We stopped smoking in the bedroom when we realized it was stinking the house up.We never noticed but non smokers picked up the scent straight away.We go outside to smoke now.It's helping us to quit.Not so keen to step out of the air con just for a smoke as often.

    imagine how rich you would be if you did not smoke a tall...>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


    They say,"You spend the money anyway."... It really makes little difference even if cigs are ridiculously expensive.
    Consumerism, go figure.
    terryfossil 1

    Gidday Fish-o,, I no longer drink nor smoke,,if my wife and i smoked and drank like we used to ,,we would not have what we have gotta have a budget and stick to it like glue...

    You are correct.
    It sounds like you have a pretty spectacular wife. :)
    terryfossil 1

    Yeah Fish,,She aint bad,,as you said elsewhere : she is a keeper,,,she was in a church service when i wandered in off the street,i was drunk as, and high on pills,,i did not see her but she seen me, she was not impressed,,,i got sober and got rid of the pills,and became the cleaner at the church..we met and got married,, 30 odd years ago,,,yeah,she's a keeper...>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<Always nice talking Fish

    You have had quite the journey. It is nice talking to you as well.
    Thank you.
    I am an inner city kid. I appreciate your story.
    terryfossil 1

    Where do you come from Fish,,And you are not really called Fish-o????,,are you You might have guessed i am from Aussie...Avatar

    I was originally born in England. My dad brought us to Canada and dumped us in the inner city after having affairs with women other than my mother. We were stranded, my mother, sister and I however, my mother grabbed some guts, raised us to be good girls and never took a helping hand out of pride.
    My sister committed suicide just over five years ago. ... She couldn't handle the rejection thing. ... When my dad divorced my mom he divorced us too. < he actually said that and left us to grow up with drug dealers, pimps and prostitutes.

    That is it in a nutshell > the rest is a survival story kind of like yours.

    My name has nothing to do with fish in real life. I just love them. I studied fish for years.
    There is a lot of wisdom under water.
    terryfossil 1

    Sounds like you had it rough Fish,,,We are alike Fish,We were 3 kids,2 boys 1 girl,,father shot through to the shearing sheds,,mother dumped us i a picture 6,brother 4 sister 2,,cops put us in a home,,,Homes ,jails,living under bridges,,,around the age of 30,,met my wife and God,,not in that order,,,and the next 33 with my wife....

    You have a lot to be proud of Terry.

    Dr. Oz says smoking is the number one contributor to all forms of cancer.  I hope you stop eventually for your health and beauty, plus you get more wrinkles when you smoke, if you care about such things.

    Holy Smokes! Don't smoke anymore, but I never did smoke in bed ... unless it was a bong, of course ... but don't do that anymore either ...

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