    whats it feel like not to be ridiculed made fun of speculated on judged or played with or followed or blamed. Must be truly awesome not to be tainted blemished etc.

    Im wondering how much data was really beneficial from my past to your past. I dont want to sing. Im sorry its not in me anymore. I dont rememember my past in a timely manner, My memory comes and goes. I also know that I trusted stupidly hoping that the right people would do the right thing and consolidate the good stuff. Im really manic deppresive by the time you think im not right anymore. Let me ask youy something. Whats it feel like to not have worries concerns depression a poor image embarrassments a dark past free from addiction or pain?

    0  Views: 364 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    Time to get professional help my friend. That is truly a bad way to live and feel I understand. But professional help is needed.

    3 Answers

    The first thing you have to do is breathe and the second thing you have to do is quit beating yourself up... after that baby steps.  One issue at a time, one day at a time and above all... Love yourself.

    Let's he without sin cast thy first stone..

    There is not a person "born who has not been made fun of part human failure But as we get older then you stand up for yourself .my Dad taught me just that you are as good as anyone remember to have self esteem have faith in your self. enjoy life. 

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