    Don't worry about it. Everything will be fine

    +2  Views: 1213 Answers: 16 Posted: 13 years ago

    16 Answers

    Those were the last words my father heard..

    consolation. sympathy, iam on your side!


    I agree with your comment about dealing with problems. My answer included "a deliberate positive action". Sometimes it's really hard for me to figure out what that might be.
    Happy holiday!

    We have to do our work.  Our work is our journey.

    ...  And this is the place where we are now... we have to take care of it.  There is more to come after we leave.

    Certainly, worry is not going to change a bad situation.  Prayer, or a deliberate positive action might help.    
    What is the point of worrying?  Nothing improves due to worry, least of all the worrier! 


    Nice to read from you Bob/PKB,have you been o.k ?

    Thank you, pythonlover. It is good to be back (though I'm not planning to sit on the couch for 4-5 hours and correspond with qa again....we'll see how that goes). I'm well. Same ol- same ol. How are YOU??

    You'll never change a true worrier,I know for I'am one,I've worried about one thing or another my whole life,now aday's it is the lack of a job,but once I land a job it will be something else that much I'am sure of,just never been able to shake it.And you are right,it improves nothing,but here I'am after all these years still worrying about something or another.And when I worry it show's openly.

    Me, too, C.R. I am one of those "worst case scenario" types, too, always envisioning the worst.
    You will get a job again, and so will's just that sooner would be better than later.
    Hang in there and think of all the ways the glass is half full instead of half empty!

    Bob, agree with you but problems must be solved the don't disappear. Prayers will help but you still have to deal with problems. As they say ,tie your camel and God will look after it' . If u dont tie,it will wonder away - God can't help!

    Glad to hear you have a positive approach.

     Bravo! Best News I have had All day Brillaint


    That phrase scares me, it usually means there is something to worry about, but I must admit if Im not worrying about something Im wondering whats wrong or what Ive forgotten, ther e is always something to worry about, but maybe some of us are just born to worry, think Im one of them.

    in a way that's kind of true about everything.

    I TRY not to worry about things over which I have no control...key word...TRY!

    That sounds pretty ominous to me, a contradiction or forewarning of what's to come, Watch out!    


    thus the black cat?

    I don't worry, it's all in Gods hands.


    Randy. I wish I could think like you, but the safety and well being and life choices not to mention financial planning have to be made by those of us, for those of some that have not been blessed with the capacity to make decisions that will effect their security, future or safety, I by no means wish to convey a negative message about it all being in Gods hands, but when some individuals are dealt with horrendous disadvantages, birth defects,aquired brain injury, fragile x, autism, etc, etrc, etc, it is often impossible to be burdened with the decisions of making decisions, often lifestyle, sometimes life preserving decisions without worrying,there doesn't appear to me to be a whole lot of anyones help, just a lot of work and worry that I do the right thing and make decisions based on what I think may have a positive outcome, sometimes its good, but there are times Im devestated, and yes I worry if indeed I am doing the right things a lot of the time.
    Headless Man

    As I was once told "All you can do is all you can do but all you can do is enough" God bless

    worry does not solve problems. But problems have to be dealt with as they dont go away. So, calm down and find a solution (s) . If you can`t find one, WHY worry.  If you find one , why worry.


    sawali, sounds good but doesn't work, problems can be dealt with but there are always other factors/people involved that can entirely screw it all

    lambshank, other factors are also problems that must be dealt with. People have to be dealt with as long as you are in-charge. If not, others will call the shots - YOUR PROBLEMS, YOU SOLVE THEM TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY. In solving them, consult, research,negotiate BUT be in-charge.

    sawali, you are absolutely right,but I just have to respect the wishes of of people that for whatever reasons insist on having a lot of input into situations of which they they no little about, then  jump through the hoops of the bureaucracy and hippocrites that  pretend to care

    One can only hope.

    Thank you so much lambshank x.Cant sleep again with it all again,fed up with it,dont know what the heck to do........x

    I so hope youre right Cadbury,im gonna quote you on it!!!!!Im actually hoping i havent made the  biggest mistake of my life with someone.......Watch this space...


    leosmami, good luck, whatever it is I hope things work out well

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