    how much will someone pay me to stop immediatley. keep it that low.

    cigarettes should have a few more warnings onthem including if they dont kill you first you can either lose your head willingly or not. that means crazy or memory wise.

    +3  Views: 614 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    The warnings and pictures on a package of cigarettes are horrible and vivid.  Where I live they are behind closet doors making it impossible to see the cigarette package until you specifically ask for it.  They are taxed from here to eternity which makes them extremely expensive... You pay a lot of money to make yourself sick and it is frowned upon.  Smokers are in the minority.

    Quit ... It's good for you.


    ok Im gonna try that hard .

    Ask God for help......

    If you really want to give it up,you will.It is like any other addiction,if you remain strong and focused you will do it.

    The marlboro man is really a sham...

    ok. thankyou iMean I hope Im aregular normal person tomorrow. I that hopeful always.


    Be patient with your journey and learn to love yourself... sounds hokey but it is true.

    Warnings won't do anything! you know the risks  You Decide! Is it worth it?   I smoke some time. But I quit alot!  All the warnings in the world won't  do a bit of good!


    clu - lucky you some of my friends use to do that smoke and then not smoke. Yes Tue is right it does interfere with the memory and intelligence. I think he should be asking how much is smoking costing me - here a lot - most of the revenue goes to the government. There is all sorts of help now to stop smoking and everyone of us should know the risks.

    Do as you wish . Do you have anything worth keeping ?? I wish to attend the yard sale or estate sale after you kick off from smoking . On second thought all that stuff is going to stink like smoke any way so Ill just pass.  You know better  do something for your self thats good .

    I am that certain inside myself about the seriouseness of a personality problem in me.


    We all walk a path that on many levels is difficult. Just believe you will "get it" and pay attention to what you are supposed to learn. You will be fine. You will grow and maybe when you get really really old you will say to yourself, "WOW! This is adulthood!"... don't worry, I am 50 and I haven't really seen that yet!
    :-) Life is a glorious adventure. You are you and that is a great thing.

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