    If you have an old cat ( 7 years plus ) what do you feed them.

    Our older cat having stomach problems now. Some hairball, most  its food just ate . Time for food change.

    Found out  amino acid taurine is needed for cats . They need it for a healthy heart to function . Tuna that peple eat does not have any or very little. If they eat very much of this they will become sick. Ham, salty meats, milk, and bones. Well read this link. 


    I just heard yesterday that tuna should not be fed to cats. Heard on the John Tesh show. Didnt hear all of answer , but was very surprised to hear that. I will have to look further into it. 


    +4  Views: 2339 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: cat cat food

    I would take him to the vet and get a prescription food for stomach ailments. Or, there are dry foods sold in markets and pet stores for adult and senior cats, tho I don't consider your cat a senior or old. He's only 7 ... 49 in cat years. My cats always live to 18 human years and beyond. There are also dry food formulas to rid hairball problems as well as ointment in tubes that the cat will lick off your finger. These products disolve the hairball and allows it to digest normally.

    12 Answers

    feed the old cat fish, and what they like to eat

    I always fed my cat Purina dry cat food.  I'd also let him have the juice/water from the tuna can.  He liked cheese and peanut butter too.   There are cat foods that have hairball remedy/prevention in them.  Science Diet is a good food and they have it for older cats.  There are also cat treats that have hairball remedy/prevention in it.  Try a low ash cat food to help prevent urinary problems in the future.  Make sure he goes to the Vet every year too.   7 is still pretty young for a cat. They can live to be 15 - 20 years or more.


    Thanks , think i ll get a small bag and try for couple weeks. Appreciate it.

    Very good sucggestions Yvonne57, male cats are so susceptable to urethra blockages - low ash, yes. Also for male cats stay away from any fish or fish-flavored products.

    zorro that is quite young for a cat 7 years old I would take it to the Vet asap to get it checked out but I would concider changing its diet to dry food if the Cats teeth are ok but the Vet will tell you that dont ever give a Cat Milk this will make it sick and give it diereah (runny poos) good luck Zorro with Kitty xxx


    actually cat is i think 9 or 10. On cat food bags it shows cats 7 plus years. Seems to be doing well. Thanks

    zorro ah ok xxx

    Chinese food.

    What's good for the goose...


    Are you talking feeding or eating, Chinese love
    ed shank

    Your a pisser.

    My cat lived to be 24 human years old. "Louie" my cat only ate dry dog food. On rare occasion she would get some tuna. Never gave her any people food. She had most of her teeth when she died, thanks to the dry food. Took her to the vet one time for a cold, kept sneezing on me. Other than having her fixed never took her again.


    lucky ed

    Sounds like my cats. They only get vet care if sick - beyond their baby shots that is. They do get dental care, tho, and some of them seem to need it, even if they do only eat dry food.

    I have friends, Zorro, who only feed their cats dogfood! And others who give them all kinds of human food. Some live way beyond their 9 lives, and some not. It just makes no sense. My parents had 24 cats when I was born - er, they were feeding 24 cats. 3 or 4 of them were house cats, the others were outside cats and some downright feral. So I grew up being a cat lover and have always had one or two, now three. They eat only dry food, no human food except a little chicken or steak once in a great while if they come begging for it. I have them altered or spade when they are young and they get their baby shots. Beyond that, no vet care except for dental every few years. Our two 18-yr-old cats died in 2010, so our new batch of felines are young, all under 3 years old.

    our cat is just as old and he loves  meow mix.. works for him works for me!

    think id be inclined to speak to the vet,my "old" cat was between 18 and 20 when he passed away,only had 1 proper tooth left but not much he wouldnt tackle!!!

    I have had my cat for 15 years,she eats tinned cat food and i give her kitten biscuits as she hardly has any teeth left, i also give her watered down milk.I have never had a health problem with her .

    I have also started giving mine bottled water and in a stainless steel dish that I wash completely 2 times a day and then I pour bottled water into it.  Cannot afford one of those expensive pet filtered watering systems so thought this was the next best thing. 

    It is according to if your cat has any kind of health conditions going on as to what type food you should be feeding it. Best if you think there is a problem get a complete bloodwork done on your cat so that the vet can have a blood profile and see what all is going on with your cat then a better decision can be made on the food issue.


    Ya, but add up what you spend on bottled water & find out how many filters you could've had..

    Sushi?  Cat’s delicious reaction for sushi

    Nothing different unless having trouble.. It's not OVER THE HILL ya know..

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