    How do you catch a theif who steals from your home ? Please submit simple, easy to perform ideas

    +4  Views: 604 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    Kick the thief out of your home report him and have him arrested ??????

    11 Answers

    Hidden cameras...

    We've had a lot of break-ins lately in my town. It used to be pretty safe. When I used to hear a noise, I figured it was my cats, but last night , and this morning, I was scared. Today, a teenage boy knocked on my door softly, then stood down on the walk , not on the porch. I was watching him thru the peep-hole. He was standing there looking down for quite a while. He finally went away. I backed out in my car , and he didn't go to the other houses and knock on the door. He vanished.

    YOU dont want to catch them. The police should . The people stealing from you are not scared to die..


    and they're not afraid to kill or hurt you.

    I say hidden camers also cct out side and alarms in and out

    Lock everything securely and change the locks on your doors, lock windows too. Keep nothing of value in the house in the open. If thefts continue use a security service. My personal methods are a bit more problematic….such as leaving doped brownies around if you are prone to forget what you did or a guest dives into the snack. Having a neighbor take photos of the thief may help if they are not the thief. If you just moved in, it may be your land lord. I caught mine and took his key to my apartment by force then added a dead-bolt lock as well. Install a "Big Dog Barking” door bell. Works for thieves who aren’t persistent. Consider the movie “Home Alone” as guidelines.    


    Your advice is the most perfect of all who commented. A " trusted " new servant & a " friend " of mine is, apparently, a theif. he found a key of mine & had a duplicate made & robbed me of thousands of dollars of personal items. I am replacing the lock, but I wanted to trap this individual, also. I am not planning to turn him into the police. I can not prove anything. It also makes me sick, etc. to know that this trusted person took advantage of me.

    Why would you seek to trap a known thief? People steal and betray friends because they are drug addicts. Even their own family are subject to such losses in support of their habit and lie, lie, lie to get to their dealer for more dope. Haven’t you heard the phrase “You can tell they are lying because their lips are moving.” Drug addiction does that .

    someone stole my ring i had laying on my desk. it was gold with a large purple stone in the center and diamonds on both sides of it.  one of my sons so called friends must of done that because wasnt no one else here. makes me angry. now i dont want anyone at my house!

    set a trap to catch a thief....Better idea,contact the police

    set a trap to catch a thief....Better idea,contact the police

    Hide, shoot to kill.

    if you can get some video cameras around the house.  Otherwise if you suspect someone, don't let them visit you again.

    Years ago i used to be terrible for leaving money round the house.One day a friend had been round with her kids,some change id left on top of a speaker". disappeared" Her daughter found the exact same amount near the sweet shop.Amazing coincidence eh?

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