    The Month of July 2011 had 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens once every 823 years.This year we are going to experience 1/1/11,1/11/1l, 11/11/11 and that's not all take the last two digits of the year in which you were born, now add the age you will be this year. The results will be 111 for everyone in the world - not a question - just interesting?

    +8  Views: 996 Answers: 15 Posted: 13 years ago

    15 Answers

    The month of October had 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays.  Amazing, Huh?  your 11 fact is also very interesting. Guess we won't see the next time this happens!   Very good observation!

    your right , i did the math and i'm 111...


    Just knew you would like this daren - it was the question you answered about 11/11/2011 which prompted me to post this - and of course you saying you wanted to live beyond one hundred - you will see not so glamorous but maybe there are exceptions.

    That really is amazing, I thought this was going to be a strange year.

    the month of july 2011 has 5 fri, 5 sat, 5 sun, which happens once every 823 years, if you add the three fives together you get 15. now multiply 15 by 823 and you get 12345. now add 1+2+3+4+5, and your back to 15.........the same amount  as adding all the ones in the dates 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/11/11.........


    wonderer - amazing huh.

    truly amazing....

    You are right dopey. Added it up and I am 111. Brilliant.

    very good

    mine worked out 112

    Not true. My son was born in 2008. He will be 8 this year. 08 + 8 does not = 111


    Didn't work for me either.
    terryfossil 1

    Clonge,it will only work for everyone born before 2000..2000 is the 20th century,after 2000 is the 21st century,,your son born 1 for 21st century=111...remember your son was 3 in 2011..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I was born in 1948!!!
    terryfossil 1

    Yeah mate,you are getting on,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    well 48+64 = 112 ?


    I'm 64...born in 47.

    which month, mine is March . Benthere.



    ha ha!!

    Good question!!! A friend of mine - very logical e-mailed it to me - saying how she knew I liked unusual things. . I posted this because there was a posting re 11/11/11. Further to the above in her e-mail it goes onto say This is the year of money i.e. 111. The proverb goes that if you send this to eight good friends money will appear in next four days as it is explained in chinese FENG SHUI. Those who do not continue the chain won't receive. It's a mystery but it is worth a try - good luck. I did not persue the later - she didn't intend it for this either - just unusual and interesting. 

    OKAY, I'll bite ... 41 + 70 = 111 ... okay, my hub ... 50 + 61, oh noooooooooooo .... okay, my daughter - 67 + 44 ... this is freaking me out!!


    winfia - not intended at all.

    How do you Know this?

    How do you Know this?

    Nope doesn't work for me.48 + 68 = 116 ???????????

    terryfossil 1

    Tom,you were 63 in 2011,,so for you it is 48+63=111,,if you look at dollybird post,,she got her age wrong..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<

    Ah! That's right.This post is nearly 5 years old.:)

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