    going to bed in a minute so will leave you with this one

    whos scared of the dark?Im not ,but have to put the light on if i get up for a drink or what have you.The cat gets seriously upset if you fall over her!!1

    +4  Views: 502 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    I live in a hundred year old house.  We bought it five years ago.  It has only been in the last few months that I have decided that I am not going to run into a ghost while walking around in the dark..........Is it still Halloween!??


    ***Spook fish !

    There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

    And the ghosts!

    I just leave a nightlight on, in case I have to get up to go to the bathroom. I am not afraid of the dark.Have a good night.

    I have night blindness its not that bad but it takes a long time for my eyes to adjust to the dark I am blind for about five mins then I can see so I do tend to panic always keep a torch next to bed just incase also the light does goes on which is next the bed


    I have a hard time driving at night. It became very apparent this evening as I was on the highway driving home from a class .... raining and very dark. The class was about 100 km away. I was wondering if this is because I am aging. It wasn't nice at all.

    I have a hard time driving at night. It became very apparent this evening as I was on the highway driving home from a class .... raining and very dark. The class was about 100 km away. I was wondering if this is because I am aging. It wasn't nice at all.

    fish girl I have like this since I was young in my teens they say if your eyes are light colour (mine are Blue) you are more sencative to light than if you have brown eyes I dont know how true this is there fore you pupuls take a lot longer to dark situations.... I know I hardly ever go out driving at night because its quite scarry in the rain and then you get other head lights which then blind me its a bit of a catch 22 xxx

    There are always lights on at our house. In the country it's very dark. We keep some on all the time.

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