    going thru a MacD drive up, tapped car in front of me, sun was in my eyes, they all jumped out yelling at me. called police, no one hurt, what can they do? if anything?

    0  Views: 579 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    PPl have done this to me many times... LOL one older lady driavinf a stick shift roll back on my car while we were at a red light on a hill....

    If there were no injuries and no damage. you can pick up a copy of the accident report for your records, but nothing should come if it.

    it's an old scam , in many states not sure if all, your automaticly at fault when you rear end someone,just to cover your but i'd file an accident as well as police report,and check for any hospital reports. most insurance adjusters can see right through this type of con..

    They could sue you for "trumped-up" medical problems. Good thing the police were called. They could claim damage to the car (take pictures of their bumper with your cell phone). Best thing to do is act really sorry and apologize for your "failure to be attentive". Road rage could be another problem .... people love their cars. 

    if they like any of the ignorant riff raff you run into here they going to drag you out that car and stomp your ass then make it sound like you did it ALL. and since there is one of you and six of them the cops going to believe everyhting they say. majority wins

    ….and they didn’t gnaw your tires off?

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