    if i dont have money then i dont get question answered ? shame on you.just needed a little help,I guess i will call someone I know. thanks for NOTHING

    +3  Views: 1063 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago

    13 Answers

    Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where are you coming from ??? Money has nothing to do with anything here. Questions  are answered when they are understood ,mocked when they are too stupid to answer ,dismissed when they are hopeless and written in gibberish,attacked when vulgar and offensive. Unless you have had that kind of experience ,you have no bone to pick with any one here . So as you can see it has nothing to do with your lack of funds . Wild guess the issue lies with the one you see looking back at you in the mirror. I understand that jumping to conclusions and flying off the handle gives lots of exercise,is cheaper than a gym membership ,it rarely leads to a harmonious outcome . Sorry your feelings were hurt ,but fact is we dont charge for anything here .

    I'm in here for free- except having to pay   for internet service.

    It cost nothing to post a question here on akaQA and the replies are free..........


    well you can charge her for your photo.I would do the same .But keep breaking the Camara

    I don't have money to buy an iPod yet you do. Don't cry poverty when you can afford toys. 

    This answer has been charged to your account. You will receive a bill of $9.99. Thank you and have a nice day. 


    $4.99 per comment also.(Plus GST)

    I give free advice that others may find profitable. I don’t have time to do everything I can think of that may make me rich, so I give all kinds of great advice away every day knowing that if anyone does that we all benefit. 


    Brilliant truth! Eye heart you rg... spread the love baby!

    the advice is free, however listening to it could be costly...

    You don't need any money to get questions answered here.  Your questions are not geared for this website, and your attitude sucks.


    Good to see you back Bob/PKB...

    Thank you so much, CR. It is good to be back!

    Hey Bob/PKB- glad to see you're back!



    I absolutely love you, ed shank. lmao
    ed shank

    I'm feelin warm and fuzzy, I love it.

    you guys are the dam greatest! and the funniest and the truthfulness is fabulous.  I work with kids and one reason i like kids is that they are so darn truthful.  they don't have nothing on you guys though.

    Love it or leave it!!!!


    Lol this is very funny. You are asking  technical questions about tech toys to people old enough in most cases to be your grandparents . We dont have a clue about these things ,tech stuff has passed most of us right on by . That you think its about money is hilarious !!!!  Our collective claim to fame is we have lived a long time and with many years stacked up we draw on those experiences to aid those who have not played the game as long. Nothing mysterious about that , knowledge about day to day things . I hope you get your I pod thing to work and are able to enjoy your music . I like music a lot . I rember when the Beatles came to America  and their debut on the Ed Sullivan show ,was in high school and everyone was very excited the day after. Calculators were just coming out and vcrs and beta machines were competing with each other. Pay phones were every where and calls were a dime .Pepsi came in glass bottles for a quarter and required a deposit. Funny now you wish for me to tell you about Ipod things  LOL very funny !!!!!


    We did not even have a television when the Beatles came to Amnerica. What is television, anyway?

    I sure do miss you Bluesbabyman!

    You only get charged for my answers if you follow my advice. Otherwise, it's free.

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