    How do I look up collectables and other things to find out their worth?

    I have a number of things I have collected over the years and don't know how to find out  their dollar worth so I can know what would be reasonable to charge for them.

    Thank you,

    Ruth Pridemore  ( Bonnie)

    0  Views: 1100 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: collectables

    2 Answers

    Go to a bookstore and buy a book on pricing antiques. There is no ideal way of finding the value of something on the internet unless someone had mentioned it somewhere and then a search engine might find it if you type in all the information about the item.  Or try e-bay and see if other people have the same things and what they are getting for them. If you have an antiques dealer in your area, try them but they usually charge for their services. 

    you could look up ebay and other sites for similar items and get an idea. Ultimately it will be what a willing buyer wants to pay.

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