    Daibetes !!!, for how long will the daibetes patient live. Considering proper care inclussive, what parts of the body will be damage when the patient is still alive.

    +2  Views: 590 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    Could u describe the exact diet u follow, please.
    what to eat every day...many thanks

    Could u describe the exact diet u follow, please.
    what to eat every day...many thanks

    Could u describe the exact diet u follow, please.
    what to eat every day...many thanks

    4 Answers

        Are you talking about diabetes Type 2?  If so, this is adult-onset diabetes, and is far from a death sentence.  Depending on how severe it is, you may need to start out on insulin shots or pills.  But properly managed, you'll be able to avoid complications like heart disease, neuropathy (nerve pain), glaucoma, and non-healing wounds.  I know this is going to sound crazy, but Type 2 diabetes can actually be REVERSED with proper diet and excercise.  You'll probably have a hard time finding a doctor who will admit this, because doctors count on patients allowing their illnesses to exacerbate themselves.  Otherwise, doctors would be out of business!  All you need to do is follow a meal plan that's high in fiber and low in fat (choose nutritious foods that you LIKE so it can be a permanent lifestyle and not a temporary "diet"), and find an excercise that you enjoy enough to do at least 4 times a week (mine is weightlifting).  These changes will allow your body to overcome the insulin-resistance it's acquired, and the insulin normally produced by your pancreas will stabilize your blood sugar. Soon you'll find yourself feeling great, and your body will be healing itself, with no medications or doctor-intervention required.  Good luck!

    My mother had Type 2 Diabetes she lived to be 75 yrs but she also had heart problems. My farther in law had type 2 diabetes and he lived to be 92 yrs with a very good diet.

    I just turned 54 and I have had diabetes Type I for 35 years and I'm healthy... I had my eyes checked today and they look fine.  I have a physical and endocronologist appointment next month and I'm sure everything will check out fine.  Diabetes killed my brother at age 56 but, he was born with it during a time no as much was known as to care......

    Thanks to all who contributed , ( jhharIan, sunnyB, catgirl15,) 

    The experiences you had  will  lift up the morals of Diabetes people speciaily  in some parts of Africa where nothing much  about diabetes is known.

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