    I'm gust a guy. Where are all the; "just a girl'" I can be really fun in bed (Or Out) I'm a good person. Where are the "fun to be with girls?" I could be a dream come true for a sweetheart that is stuck in a crummy relationship. I can't believe that I'm alone! "We" are missing out BIG TIME! Matthew Whe

    I can't believe that I'm alone.  (I am probably totally messing up this message)  I have

    never spilled my feelings this way before.  Is this a way to meet someone?  It seems

    unlikely but I'm just glad to be able to Vent my frustrations.  It's just that I know that I could make a nice girl very happy. 

    Happy Trails,  Matthew

    I probably should just leave my first message (thoughts) alone but I want to be completely honest in a very short message.  I don't know how to put this....Umm, when it comes to bedroom activity, if I'm with the right female (By

    the way, it's just females for me) I'm not very "unconventional"  I have, what I consider "normal" needs and I have never been able to Get Far out Kinky.  

    That's all



    0  Views: 730 Answers: 14 Posted: 13 years ago

    14 Answers

    What a shame you poured your heart out on the wrong site.We can't help you find the woman of your dreams sorry,keep searching and good luck.

    T. Matthew

    I can't tell you how much I appreciate your understanding. It really is Me in the picture. I was treated like it was a fake. I was just trying to show my happy smile. That hurt. Everything I said was from the heart.

    Thank You so much for your kind thoughts,

    I was going to mention that you were a good looking fella and you shouldn't have trouble meeting someone.
    P.S...i am a woman telling you this.

    We are not a dating site, E harmony  sounds like a goer but if you are half as good as you appear to think you are women should be throwing themselves at you feet begging to be allowed to bask in your shadow.

    Good luck, who posed for the photo?

    T. Matthew

    What? Wow. Both of you have missed the mark! That is
    Me in the photo. You made me laugh, thanks.

    I'm not making anything up here. Oh my, I can't win, it's me! My words, My feelings!

    Geese no wonder I'm alone. What you see and hear is what you get. Cross my heart.

    (I can send, but I don't know how, the uncropped version of the photo, it's not much different. I have never communicated this way, really.
    T. Matthew

    PEOPLELOV, Tell me how I can make myself REAL to you.

    I really, really don't like being disbelieved.


    You loose, damn, and you think it's easy....IT'S NOT!!!

    T Matthew I didn`t say I didn`t believe you I said "if you are half as good as you appear to think you are"
    Quite often our conception of ourselves differs from that of others, It is also possible to over exaggerate ourselves in our own mind due to a lack of self esteem and this can evolve as people thinking we are well frankly "up ourselves"
    To attract people to you you have to be attractive. That does not mean in appearence but in over all attraction.
    You need to be a magnet that the metal goes to because it is "attracted" to the magnet not that the magnet pulls to it by force.
    Hope you can see the subtle diffence there.

    Re the photo it has been my finding during my many years on this blue dot in the universe that people who put their photo in a conspicuous spot are saying "look at me" "look how gorgeous I am, toned body, sunnies what more could you want"
    People have a longer attraction for those they see as being purely and simply a good bloke to talk to and be with. No one wants a show pony unless they are desperate to appear with one.
    What do you do for a crust, what is interesting about you, where do you see yourself ten years hence.
    Probably confused you now but I can assure you I am as ugly as sin but I have never wanted for female company, and before you go off on a tangent with 14 grandkids and 18 greatgrand kids I am not a outfielder.

    Count me in on the answer from Peoplelover...We are not a dating site etc...


    Perhaps your alone due to the size of your head it would seem to be a liitle large .

    Dude, your not getting laid on this site. You'll have to drag your pecker to another site.


    First I have to say; I'm just so grateful that you would take the time to have listened to me at all and that YOU took me seriously.  You must have felt that I wasn't trying to pull anything over on anyone.  I wasn't.  Then you so eloquently put me in my place without a hint of criticism...No wait, you bravely gave me constructive criticism.  Very good, nice job.  I read and I learned.  Thank You.

    It's hard to be lonely.  I know that I am not ugly.  But I'm certainly not a "Ken Doll," HA!  I think we all want someone to like our appearance but I do know that that is a shallow way to go through life.  Most of my dear great Male friends married women that were FAR superior in their strong FAMILY convictions and not in their looks.

    THAT has worked wonderfully for them and there Children!  Of course they have had some problems along the way but now they are wonderfully committed to each other.  It is to dye for!  Poetic license: And they are the happiest people alive!

    Really!  I am SO lucky to have the friends that I have and all of their wonderful Children.

    I'm not sure what I was doing tonight.  I was just simply feeling alone.  You, is it Miss PEOPLELOVER?  No matter, helped me more than you will ever know to get me get back in the real world. Really.  I don't know what "outfielder" means. Gay?

    No matter, you are terrific.  What a fine mature mind you have and to think, you shared part of it with Me!  I do have to say; I liked the days when I was a toned sunny smiling boy.  It felt great and I had several lovers but all superficial.  I crave a real and true bond.  Never had it.  Like My Dad would say..."Too bad for you."

    Thanks,  Thomas Matthew Baird   (Matt)   If you ever want to make me melt just wisper...Matthew in my ear, I'm gone! HA!


    This is not a dating site Mr. Good Looking, Wonderful, Awesome, Good in Bed, Good out of Bed. blah, blah, blah.  Just go for a coffee in a restaurant and I'm sure those women will  come running.  Hardly any men have all those wonderful attributes!


    Well put I must say Ducka.

    Do your own thing... live your life and the rest will fall into place.  And stay out of the Cougar Bars, you will only become a victim!  Just joking.... :)

    "" Hi ya honey, I'm a cougar, but you can forget it. I like the dapper, in your suit man.


    LMAO! You are a character!

    Wow, poor guy...  I think you look just fine. I cant imagine why you are alone... Are you trully alone or are you having trouble finding a quality women?

    This is not a dating site,but you will find that there are many ppl here that can be very helpfull.. I even call several of them my friends. (just keep it clean)

    Look for love in the right places.. or hey, dont look at all it will find you.


    Looking for love in all the wrong places,
    Looking for love in all the wrong faces...
    and then she'll rip your tongue out,
    when all you wanted to do was suck faces....
    (Just teasing you Jenn!)

    You are a legend in your own mind.

    Oh Shit!!!  I think I'm gunna be sick!

    P.S.  Learn to spell...GUST a guy...what is GUST?

    You are handling LIFE the wrong way......Quit trying to have people do things for you.........Start doing GOOD and RIGHT things for others...........Live your life to help others  !!

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